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wesleyjtann committed Jan 21, 2019
1 parent aa498c2 commit 654c09a
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Showing 7 changed files with 345 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion PyPokerEngine
Submodule PyPokerEngine deleted from a52a04
Binary file added PyPokerEngine/__pycache__/dealer.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added PyPokerEngine/__pycache__/game.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions PyPokerEngine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
import random
from collections import OrderedDict

from pypokerengine.engine.poker_constants import PokerConstants as Const
from pypokerengine.engine.table import Table
from pypokerengine.engine.player import Player
from pypokerengine.engine.round_manager import RoundManager
from pypokerengine.engine.message_builder import MessageBuilder

class Dealer:

def __init__(self, small_blind_amount=None, initial_stack=None, ante=None):
self.small_blind_amount = small_blind_amount
self.ante = ante if ante else 0
self.initial_stack = initial_stack
self.uuid_list = self.__generate_uuid_list()
self.message_handler = MessageHandler()
self.message_summarizer = MessageSummarizer(verbose=0)
self.table = Table()
self.blind_structure = {}

def register_player(self, player_name, algorithm):
uuid = self.__escort_player_to_table(player_name)
self.__register_algorithm_to_message_handler(uuid, algorithm)

def set_verbose(self, verbose):
self.message_summarizer.verbose = verbose

def start_game(self, max_round):
# Init empty table
table = self.table
# Announce game start if verbose=1
ante, sb_amount = self.ante, self.small_blind_amount
# Loop through round 1 to max_round
for round_count in range(1, max_round+1):
ante, sb_amount = self.__update_forced_bet_amount(ante, sb_amount, round_count, self.blind_structure)
table = self.__exclude_short_of_money_players(table, ante, sb_amount)
if self.__is_game_finished(table): break
table = self.play_round(round_count, sb_amount, ante, table)
return self.__generate_game_result(max_round, table.seats)

def play_round(self, round_count, blind_amount, ante, table):
state, msgs = RoundManager.start_new_round(round_count, blind_amount, ante, table)
while True:
self.__message_check(msgs, state["street"])
if state["street"] != Const.Street.FINISHED: # continue the round
action, bet_amount = self.__publish_messages(msgs)
state, msgs = RoundManager.apply_action(state, action, bet_amount)
else: # finish the round after publish round result
return state["table"]

def set_small_blind_amount(self, amount):
self.small_blind_amount = amount

def set_initial_stack(self, amount):
self.initial_stack = amount

def set_blind_structure(self, blind_structure):
self.blind_structure = blind_structure

def __update_forced_bet_amount(self, ante, sb_amount, round_count, blind_structure):
if round_count in blind_structure:
update_info = blind_structure[round_count]
msg = self.message_summarizer.summairze_blind_level_update(\
round_count, ante, update_info["ante"], sb_amount, update_info["small_blind"])
ante, sb_amount = update_info["ante"], update_info["small_blind"]
return ante, sb_amount

def __register_algorithm_to_message_handler(self, uuid, algorithm):
self.message_handler.register_algorithm(uuid, algorithm)

def __escort_player_to_table(self, player_name):
uuid = self.__fetch_uuid()
player = Player(uuid, self.initial_stack, player_name)
return uuid

def __notify_game_start(self, max_round):
config = self.__gen_config(max_round)
start_msg = MessageBuilder.build_game_start_message(config, self.table.seats)
self.message_handler.process_message(-1, start_msg)

def __is_game_finished(self, table):
return len([player for player in table.seats.players if player.is_active()]) == 1

def __message_check(self, msgs, street):
address, msg = msgs[-1]
invalid = msg["type"] != 'ask'
invalid &= street != Const.Street.FINISHED or msg["message"]["message_type"] == 'round_result'
if invalid:
raise Exception("Last message is not ask type. : %s" % msgs)

def __publish_messages(self, msgs):
for address, msg in msgs[:-1]:
self.message_handler.process_message(address, msg)
return self.message_handler.process_message(*msgs[-1])

def __exclude_short_of_money_players(self, table, ante, sb_amount):
sb_pos, bb_pos = self.__steal_money_from_poor_player(table, ante, sb_amount)
table.set_blind_pos(sb_pos, bb_pos)
if table.seats.players[table.dealer_btn].stack == 0: table.shift_dealer_btn()
return table

def __steal_money_from_poor_player(self, table, ante, sb_amount):
players = table.seats.players
# exclude player who cannot pay ante
for player in [p for p in players if p.stack < ante]: player.stack = 0
if players[table.dealer_btn].stack == 0: table.shift_dealer_btn()

search_targets = players + players + players
search_targets = search_targets[table.dealer_btn+1:table.dealer_btn+1+len(players)]
# exclude player who cannot pay small blind
sb_player = self.__find_first_elligible_player(search_targets, sb_amount + ante)
sb_relative_pos = search_targets.index(sb_player)
for player in search_targets[:sb_relative_pos]: player.stack = 0
# exclude player who cannot pay big blind
search_targets = search_targets[sb_relative_pos+1:sb_relative_pos+len(players)]
bb_player = self.__find_first_elligible_player(search_targets, sb_amount*2 + ante, sb_player)
if sb_player == bb_player: # no one can pay big blind. So steal money from all players except small blind
for player in [p for p in players if p!=bb_player]: player.stack = 0
bb_relative_pos = search_targets.index(bb_player)
for player in search_targets[:bb_relative_pos]: player.stack = 0
return players.index(sb_player), players.index(bb_player)

def __find_first_elligible_player(self, players, need_amount, default=None):
if default: return next((player for player in players if player.stack >= need_amount), default)
return next((player for player in players if player.stack >= need_amount))

def __disable_no_money_player(self, players):
no_money_players = [player for player in players if player.stack == 0]
for player in no_money_players:

def __generate_game_result(self, max_round, seats):
config = self.__gen_config(max_round)
result_message = MessageBuilder.build_game_result_message(config, seats)
return result_message

def __gen_config(self, max_round):
return {
"initial_stack": self.initial_stack,
"max_round": max_round,
"small_blind_amount": self.small_blind_amount,
"ante": self.ante,
"blind_structure": self.blind_structure

def __config_check(self):
if self.small_blind_amount is None:
raise Exception("small_blind_amount is not set!!\
You need to call 'dealer.set_small_blind_amount' before.")
if self.initial_stack is None:
raise Exception("initial_stack is not set!!\
You need to call 'dealer.set_initial_stack' before.")

def __fetch_uuid(self):
return self.uuid_list.pop()

def __generate_uuid_list(self):
return [self.__generate_uuid() for _ in range(100)]

def __generate_uuid(self):
uuid_size = 22
chars = [chr(code) for code in range(97,123)]
return "".join([random.choice(chars) for _ in range(uuid_size)])

class MessageHandler:

def __init__(self):
self.algo_owner_map = {}

def register_algorithm(self, uuid, algorithm):
self.algo_owner_map[uuid] = algorithm

def process_message(self, address, msg):
receivers = self.__fetch_receivers(address)
for receiver in receivers:
if msg["type"] == 'ask':
return receiver.respond_to_ask(msg["message"])
elif msg["type"] == 'notification':
raise ValueError("Received unexpected message which type is [%s]" % msg["type"])

def __fetch_receivers(self, address):
if address == -1:
return self.algo_owner_map.values()
if address not in self.algo_owner_map:
raise ValueError("Received message its address [%s] is unknown" % address)
return [self.algo_owner_map[address]]

class MessageSummarizer(object):

def __init__(self, verbose):
self.verbose = verbose

def print_message(self, message):

def summarize_messages(self, raw_messages):
if self.verbose == 0: return

summaries = [self.summarize(raw_message[1]) for raw_message in raw_messages]
summaries = [summary for summary in summaries if summary is not None]
summaries = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(summaries))
for summary in summaries: self.print_message(summary)

def summarize(self, message):
if self.verbose == 0: return None

content = message["message"]
message_type = content["message_type"]
if MessageBuilder.GAME_START_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_game_start(content)
if MessageBuilder.ROUND_START_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_round_start(content)
if MessageBuilder.STREET_START_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_street_start(content)
if MessageBuilder.GAME_UPDATE_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_player_action(content)
if MessageBuilder.ROUND_RESULT_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_round_result(content)
if MessageBuilder.GAME_RESULT_MESSAGE == message_type:
return self.summarize_game_result(content)

def summarize_game_start(self, message):
base = "Started the game with player %s for %d round. (start stack=%s, small blind=%s)"
names = [player["name"] for player in message["game_information"]["seats"]]
rule = message["game_information"]["rule"]
return base % (names, rule["max_round"], rule["initial_stack"], rule["small_blind_amount"])

def summarize_round_start(self, message):
base = "Started the round %d"
return base % message["round_count"]

def summarize_street_start(self, message):
base = 'Street "%s" started. (community card = %s)'
return base % (message["street"], message["round_state"]["community_card"])

def summarize_player_action(self, message):
base = '"%s" declared "%s:%s"'
players = message["round_state"]["seats"]
action = message["action"]
player_name = [player["name"] for player in players if player["uuid"] == action["player_uuid"]][0]
return base % (player_name, action["action"], action["amount"])

def summarize_round_result(self, message):
base = '"%s" won the round %d (stack = %s)'
winners = [player["name"] for player in message["winners"]]
stack = { player["name"]:player["stack"] for player in message["round_state"]["seats"] }
return base % (winners, message["round_count"], stack)

def summarize_game_result(self, message):
base = 'Game finished. (stack = %s)'
stack = { player["name"]:player["stack"] for player in message["game_information"]["seats"] }
return base % stack

def summairze_blind_level_update(self, round_count, old_ante, new_ante, old_sb_amount, new_sb_amount):
base = 'Blind level update at round-%d : Ante %s -> %s, SmallBlind %s -> %s'
return base % (round_count, old_ante, new_ante, old_sb_amount, new_sb_amount)

Binary file added PyPokerEngine/dealer.pyc
Binary file not shown.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions PyPokerEngine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# from import Dealer
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './PyPokerEngine/pypokerengine/engine/')
import dealer
Dealer = dealer.Dealer
from pypokerengine.players import BasePokerPlayer

def setup_config(max_round, initial_stack, small_blind_amount, ante=0):
# config class (./)
return Config(max_round, initial_stack, small_blind_amount, ante)

def start_poker(config, verbose=2):
# Check if at least 2 players registered (./)
# Initialize dealer (../engine/
dealer = Dealer(config.sb_amount, config.initial_stack, config.ante)
# Set verbose 0, 1, 2
# Init with empty dictionary
# print("blind structure: ", config.blind_structure)

for info in config.players_info:
# print("Player's information: ", info)
dealer.register_player(info["name"], info["algorithm"])

result_message = dealer.start_game(config.max_round)
# print("\n Result: ", result_message)
# print("\n Formatted Result: ", _format_result(result_message))

return _format_result(result_message)

def _format_result(result_message):
return {
"rule": result_message["message"]["game_information"]["rule"],
"players": result_message["message"]["game_information"]["seats"]

class Config(object):

def __init__(self, max_round, initial_stack, sb_amount, ante):
self.players_info = []
self.blind_structure = {}
self.max_round = max_round
self.initial_stack = initial_stack
self.sb_amount = sb_amount
self.ante = ante

def register_player(self, name, algorithm):
if not isinstance(algorithm, BasePokerPlayer):
base_msg = 'Poker player must be child class of "BasePokerPlayer". But its parent was "%s"'
raise TypeError(base_msg % algorithm.__class__.__bases__)

info = { "name" : name, "algorithm" : algorithm }

def set_blind_structure(self, blind_structure):
self.blind_structure = blind_structure

def validation(self):
player_num = len(self.players_info)
if player_num < 2:
detail_msg = "no player is registered yet" if player_num==0 else "you registered only 1 player"
base_msg = "At least 2 players are needed to start the game"
raise Exception("%s (but %s.)" % (base_msg, detail_msg))

Binary file modified __pycache__/randomplayer.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.

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