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BigDataGrapes Semantic Model

1 Intro

We develop the BigDataGrapes Semantic Model by way of example, starting from AUA Table Grapes tabular data. After this example is approved, we’ll follow similar modeling for other kinds of observations.

1.1 TODO Units of Measure Ontologies

Which ontology should we use to represent Units of Measure (UoM)? See two survey papers in gdoc UoM.

1.1.1 QUDT

For the time being we use QUDT 2.0, which is sponsored by NASA and has an extensive set of 80 ontologies covering Units of Measure, Quantity Kinds, Dimensions and Types.

QUDT semantics is based on dimensional analysis expressed in OWL, which relates each unit to a system of base units using numeric factors and a vector of exponents defined over a set of fundamental dimensions. This is expressed as attributes qudt:dimensionExponentFor in class qudt:QuantityDimensionVector, where * is one of AmountOfSubstance, ElectricCurrent, Length, LuminousIntensity, Mass, ThermodynamicTemperature, Time, and qudt:dimensionlessExponent.

  • Each qudt:QuantityKind is also linked to a respective qudt:hasReferenceQuantityKind: the fundamental unit for that dimension vector.
  • Each unit has qudt:conversionMultiplier to its respective fundamental unit, allowing precise unit conversions if needed.
  • There is also qudt:conversionOffset to allow for units with different scale origin (like Kelvin vs Fahrenheit vs Celsius)


  • QUDT Overview
  • QUDT Catalog. We have downloaded the following ontologies that may be relevant to BDG:
    • SCHEMA_QUDT-DATATYPES-v2.0.ttl: not used
    • SCHEMA_QUDT-SCIENCE-v2.0.ttl: eg qudt:ConductanceUnit
    • SCHEMA_QUDT-v2.0.ttl: base ontology
    • VOCAB_QUDT-UNITS-BASE-v2.0.ttl: eg unit:Milli
    • VOCAB_QUDT-UNITS-ELECTROMAGNETISM-v2.0.ttl: eg unit:S-PER-M “Siemens per meter”

There is a number of ontologies that are in progress or in QA and not yet available for download. Amongst those, the following may be relevant


1.2 Property Sources

1.2.1 TODO Agricultural Properties

  • Soil electrical conductivity

I’ve looked previously for NDVI and couldn’t find a satisfactory definition (independent of crop type).

1.2.2 TODO Statistical Operations

AUA data includes derived properties produced with the following statistical operations

  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Standard Deviation
  • Coefficient of Variation

Searching for deviation in Linked Open Vocabularies:

  • SIO:000770 (SemanticScience Integrated Ontology) “standard deviation”. Also has SIO:001114 “maximal value” and SIO:001113 “minimal value”, but these are defined as SIO:000011 “attribute” of a SIO:000616 “collection”. No var.
  • OBI:0200121 (Ontology for Biomedical Investigations): “standard deviation calculation”. Includes 10 descriptive statistical calculation data transformation including kurtosis, skewness, variance. But not min/max/var.
  • seas-stats:StandardDeviationEvaluation. SEAS includes an alternative ontology of sensors and observations (see gdoc “SEAS”). Also has DistributionMaximumEvaluation and DistributionMinimumEvaluation but not var.
  • s4ee:StandardDeviationValue (Smart Appliances REFerence, extension for EEBus and Energy@Home) “Standard deviation value”. Also has AverageValue, MinValue, MaxValue but not var.
  • (DICOM has a lot of terms matching this word, but they are not appropriate)
  • lswpm:StandardDeviations (elseweb-lifemapper-parameters: the Earth, Life and Semantic Web (ELSeWeb) project integrates the NASA-funded Earth Data Analysis Center with an analytical Web Service platform, Lifemapper, which models potential future species distributions under scenarios of climate change). No min/max, not appropriate
  • mexperf:standardDeviation (Performance Values for Machine Learning Problems): no min/max
  • datex:standardDeviation (EU standard for Exchange of Traffic Related Data): no min/max

2 Data Mapping

2.1 Properties/Variables

The properties that we need fall in the following groups. For each one we state the qb:concept (statistical concept) that the property relates to.

2.1.1 Geospatial and Temporal Reference

We represent these as DimensionProperties, since they identify the measurement (the measurement is a function of all dimension values).

  • Estate: we don’t represent this, since it is implied by Plot. TODO: Alternatively, we could represent it as a hierarchical level, using subdivides for the hierarchical relation:
    bdg:estate a qb4st:RefArea;
      rdfs:label "Estate"; rdfs:comment "Estate of a measurement".
    bdg:plot qb4st:subdivides bdg:estate.

    Or we could follow QB4OLAP ideas to represent the hierarchical aspect.

  • Plot
    bdg:plot a qb4st:RefArea;
      rdfs:label "Plot"; rdfs:comment "Plot (sub-estate) of a measurement";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:refArea;
      rdfs:range bdg:Plot.
  • Date, Time. We use Date to mark the temporal coverage of the dataset (see *Datasets), and Date+Time to represent the dateTime of observation.
    bdg:dateTime a qb:DimensionProperty;
      rdfs:label "Date-time"; rdfs:comment "Date-time of the observation";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:timePeriod;
      rdfs:range xsd:dateTime.

    Note: qb4st:TemporalProperty refers to the use of time:Interval but we prefer to use a simple literal. EO QB uses qb4st:TemporalProperty with a simple literal, which is not consistent: sdw#1108.

  • Sensor. In AUA data we always know the sensor that took the observation (implicitly). If that is not the case for some datasets, then we must use an (optional) qb:AttributeProperty, like EO QB does.
    bdg:sensor a qb:DimensionProperty;
      rdfs:label "Sensor"; rdfs:comment "Sensor/Instrument that took the observation";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:collMethod;
      rdfs:range ssn:Sensor.

The observation’s position is expressed in two ways depending on the dataset:

  • Latitude, Longitude (Degrees), Elevation (m) in CRS WGS84
  • Northing, Easting (Degrees) in (presumably) in CRS EPSG 32634 (see sec *Plots/Geometries for details)

Elevation is a bit special because:

  • It’s functionally dependent on the Plot and Latitude/Longitude: the plot’s terrain determines the elevation. Different sensors could report different elevations for the same point, but that would be due to measurement error
  • It’s missing from some of the datasets

Therefore Elevation cannot be a dimension.

We could represent the coordinates as separate properties but we prefer to represent them as GeoSPARQL literals because:

  • The individual coordinates are represented in different CRS, therefore not directly comparable
  • Allows automatic comparison of northing/easting to canonical latitude/longitude
  • The special status of Elevation as described above

Note: QB4ST does not define a position dimension (only defines qb4st:PositionMeasure), so we use the slightly more generic qb4st:SpatialDimension.

bdg:position a qb4st:SpatialDimension;
  rdfs:label "Position"; rdfs:comment "A GeoSPARQL literal";
  qb:concept sdmx-concept:refArea;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf geo:hasSerialization;
  schema:rangeIncludes geo:wktLiteral, geo:gmlLiteral.

TODO: Currently GraphDB cannot work with geo:wktLiteral expressed in non-default CRS. So we should either:

  • Use GML literals only (which are more complex), OR
  • Convert WKT literals to CRS84

Deprecated: this needs an extra intermediate node (geo:Point) so it’s not so good.

bdg:position a qb4st:SpatialDimension;
  rdfs:label "Position"; rdfs:comment """Position of the observation, a geo:Point.
Must have a geometry with qb4st:crs to easily access the CRS, and optionally a geometry in the default/canonical CRS WGS84 for easy comparison";
  qb:concept qb:concept sdmx-concept:refArea;
  rdfs:range geo:Point.

2.1.2 Position Qualifiers

We represent these as AttributeProperties, since they qualify the measurement.

  • FIXTYPE. We represent this as a simple Boolean (false “Fix not valid”, true “GPS”). TODO: if there are more values, we should use a codelist and rename appropriately (eg to fixType).
    bdg:hasGpsFix a qb:AttributeProperty;
      rdfs:label "Has GPS fix"; rdfs:comment "If the measurement doesn't have a GPS fix, it is invalid and should be discarded";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsStatus; # Information on the quality of a value or an unusual or missing value
      rdfs:range xsd:boolean.
  • Sat
    bdg:satellites a qb:AttributeProperty;
      rdfs:label "Satellites"; rdfs:comment "Number of tracked satellites that provided the GPS fix";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:collMethod;
      rdfs:range xsd:int.

    TODO: If instead this means “number of satellite that provided the fix”, we should rename it. Since we don’t have info what exactly this number refers to, we should again map it to a simple int, not to ssn:Platform.

  • HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision)
    bdg:HDOP a qb:AttributeProperty;
      skos:notation "HDOP"; rdfs:label "Horizontal dilution of precision";
      rdfs:comment """GPS reception quality:
    <1 Ideal, 1-2 Excellent, 2-5 Good, 5-10 Moderate, 10-20 Fair, >20 Poor""";
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:dataValSource; # discrepancies and other problems related to source data
      rdfs:range xsd:int.
  • Quality indicator. This is a coded property, so we also provide the respective codelist. It is represented both as a skos:ConceptScheme and a rdfs:Class to enable rdfs:range checking.
    bdg:positionQuality a qb:AttributeProperty, qb:CodedProperty;
      qb:codeList <positionQuality>;
      qb:concept sdmx-concept:dataValSource; #: discrepancies and other problems related to source data
      rdfs:label "Position quality"; rdfs:comment "GPS position quality";
      rdfs:range bdg:PositionQuality.
    bdg:PositionQuality a rdfs:Class;
      rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept ;
      rdfs:label "Position Quality codelist class";
      rdfs:seeAlso <positionQuality> .
    <positionQuality> a skos:ConceptScheme;
      rdfs:label "Position Quality codelist scheme";
      rdfs:seeAlso bdg:PositionQuality.
    <positionQuality-0> a skos:Concept, bdg:PositionQuality;
      skos:inScheme <positionQuality>; skos:topConceptOf <positionQuality>;
      skos:notation "0"; skos:prefLabel "no position";
      skos:scopeNote "Observations without position should be discarded".
    <positionQuality-1> a skos:Concept, bdg:PositionQuality;
      skos:inScheme <positionQuality>; skos:topConceptOf <positionQuality>;
      skos:notation "1"; skos:prefLabel "raw, not differentially corrected position".
    <positionQuality-2> a skos:Concept, bdg:PositionQuality;
      skos:inScheme <positionQuality>; skos:topConceptOf <positionQuality>;
      skos:notation "2"; skos:prefLabel "differentially corrected position".
    <positionQuality-9> a skos:Concept, bdg:PositionQuality;
      skos:inScheme <positionQuality>; skos:topConceptOf <positionQuality>;
      skos:notation "9"; skos:prefLabel "position computed using almanac information)".

2.1.3 Features of Interest

Features of interest are AgroBio entities for which we may want to observe some properties:

<feature/Soil>   a sosa:FeatureOfInterest; rdfs:label "Soil".
<feature/Canopy> a sosa:FeatureOfInterest; rdfs:label "Canopy"; rdfs:description "The leaf mass of some crop".

sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest a qb:MeasureProperty. Measurement Contexts

We define some measurement contexts (qualifiers). Following QB practice, we put them in a codelist. Observations

bdg:measurementContext a qb:AttributeProperty, qb:CodedProperty;
  qb:codeList <measurementContext>;
  rdfs:range bdg:MeasurementContext.

bdg:MeasurementContext a rdfs:Class;
  rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept;
  rdfs:label "Measurement Context codelist class".
<measurementContext> a skos:conceptScheme;
  rdfs:label "Measurement Context codelist scheme".
<feature/Soil/separation-1m>   a skos:Concept, bdg:MeasurementContext;
  skos:inScheme <measurementContext>; skos:topConceptOf <measurementContext>;
  rdfs:label "Soil, separation 1m".
<feature/Soil/separation-0.5m> a skos:Concept, bdg:MeasurementContext;
  skos:inScheme <measurementContext>; skos:topConceptOf <measurementContext>;
  rdfs:label "Soil, separation 0.5m".

TODO: Not sure what “separation” is: I suspect it could mean “depth”. Depending on the meaning, it may be appropriate to map this to sosa:Sample:

<feature/Soil/depth-1m>   a sosa:Sample; rdfs:label "Soil at depth 1m";
  sosa:isSampleOf <feature/Soil>.
<feature/Soil/depth-0.5m> a sosa:Sample; rdfs:label "Soil at depth 0.5m";
  sosa:isSampleOf <feature/Soil>.

2.1.4 Observable Properties

The following sub-sections define several properties to hold the observed values. We declare them sosa:ObservableProperty because they are observed by a sosa:Sensor, and qb:MeasureProperty because they hold the observed/measured value. These properties bind together:

  • what is being observed (FeatureOfInterest)
  • which property is observed (Property)
  • unit of measure (unitMeasure) and multiplier (unitMult)
  • context of observation, if needed

To do this binding we use attributes (qb:AttributeProperty) that are attached to the measure property (see *Data Structure Definition). TODO: I notice that each dataset observes only one feature (Soil or Canopy), so we could simplify by attaching to the dataset. However:

  • Attaching to the property is more self-contained (NDVI is always about Canopy)
  • We might get a sensor that observes several features at the same time. Soil Conductivity

We have two properties that differ only by context:

  • CV05m (soil conductivity, separation 0.5 m) (mS/m)
  • CV1m (soil conductivity, separation 1.0 m) (mS/m)
bdg:CV1m a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Soil Electric Conductivity, separation 1m";
  skos:notation              "CV1m";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Soil>;
  bdg:measurementContext     <feature/Soil/separation-1m>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:ElectricConductivity;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:S-PER-M; # Siemens per meter
  sdmx-attribute:unitMult    unit:Milli; # 10^-3
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.

bdg:CV05m a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Soil Electric Conductivity, separation 0.5m";
  skos:notation              "CV0.5m";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Soil>;
  bdg:measurementContext     <feature/Soil/separation-0.5m>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:ElectricConductivity;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:S-PER-M; # Siemens per meter
  sdmx-attribute:unitMult    unit:Milli; # 10^-3
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.


  • We abuse sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest, which is intended to be applied to sosa:Observation not sosa:ObservableProperty
    • This allows us to find easily all properties that pertain to a given feature of interest
    • There is no formal violation because sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest doesn’t use the prescriptive rdfs:domain but the descriptive rdfs:domainIncludes
  • We slightly abuse sdmx-attribute:unitMult by using unit:Milli as its value.
    • SDMX defines a codelist sdmx-code:unitMult, but it doesn’t have fractional miltipliers (population statistics deals with thousands and millions, not with thousandths)
    • sdmx-attribute:unitMult doesn’t actually declare a qb:codeList, so that’s ok
  • defines qudt:DecimalScaledUnit but defines decimal fractions only of Ampere and Coulomb, not Siemens.
  • TODO: alternatively, we could define Milli-S-PER-M ourselves:
    bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-M a qudt:DecimalScaledUnit, qudt:DerivedUnit, qudt:ConductanceUnit, qudt:Unit;
      qudt:hasMultiplier unit:Milli;
      qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e-3 ;
      qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ;
      qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:ElectricConductivity ;
      qudt:isScalingOf unit:S-PER-M ;
      prov:wasDerivedFrom unit:S-PER-M .
 Canopy Characteristics

These are primary observation data:

  • NIRi (NIR Incident) (%)
  • NIRr (NIR Reflected) (%)
  • RE (Red Edge) (%)
  • REDi (RED Incident) (%)
  • REDr (RED Reflected) (%)

TODO: these labels are incomplete, they should say “percentage of radiation” or something.

bdg:NIRi a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "NIR Incident";
  skos:notation              "NIRi";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:NIRr a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "NIR Reflected";
  skos:notation              "NIRr";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:RE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Red Edge";
  skos:notation              "RE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:REDi a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "RED Incident";
  skos:notation              "REDi";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:REDr a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "RED Reflected";
  skos:notation              "REDr";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue. Derived Vegetation Indices

These are derived observations computed from primary observations. As such they are redundant and in principle could be omitted, but some sensors emit only the derived

  • LAI (Leaf Area Index) = 0.014*(exp(6.192*NDVI)
  • NDRE (Normalized Difference Red Edge Index) = (NIR-RedEdge)/(NIR+RedEdge)
  • NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) = (NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)
  • NIR (Near Infrared) = NIRr/NIRi
  • RED (Red spectrum) = REDr/REDi

We record the primary observations from which this one is derived, and the formula in qudt:mathDefinition (that is basically a comment),

  • TODO: I’m not sure whether these are considered percentages or simply dimensionless. It doesn’t make a lot of difference because percentages are dimensionless anyway.
bdg:LAI a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Leaf Area Index";
  skos:notation              "LAI";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  qudt:mathDefinition        "0.014*(exp(6.192*NDVI)";
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDVI;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:NDRE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Normalized Difference Red Edge Index";
  skos:notation              "NDRE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  qudt:mathDefinition        "(NIR-RE)/(NIR+RE)";
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NIR, bdg:RE;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:NDVI a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index";
  skos:notation              "NDVI";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  qudt:mathDefinition        "(NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)";
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NIR, bdg:RED;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:NIR a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Near Infrared";
  skos:notation              "NIR";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  qudt:mathDefinition        "NIRr/NIRi";
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NIRr, bdg:NIRi;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:RED a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Red spectrum";
  skos:notation              "RED";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  qudt:mathDefinition        "REDr/REDi";
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:REDr, bdg:REDi;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue. Statistical Summaries of Vegetation Indices

These are secondary observations providing statistical summaries of a primary observation:

  • CVNDRE (Coefficient of variation NDRE)
  • CVNDVI (Coefficient of variation NDVI)
  • MAXNDRE (Maximum value NDRE)
  • MAXNDV (Maximum value NDVI)
  • MINNDRE (Minimum value NDRE)
  • MINNDVI (Minimum value NDVI)
  • STDNDRE (Standard deviation NDRE)
  • STDNDVI (Standard deviation NDVI)

We record both the primary observation, and the statistical summary operation:

bdg:CVNDRE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Coefficient of variation NDRE";
  skos:notation              "CVNDRE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/CoefficientOfVariation>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDRE;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:CVNDVI a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Coefficient of variation NDVI";
  skos:notation              "CVNDVI";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/CoefficientOfVariation>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDVI;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:MAXNDRE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Maximum value NDRE";
  skos:notation              "MAXNDRE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/Maximum>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDRE;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:MAXNDV a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Maximum value NDVI";
  skos:notation              "MAXNDV";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/Maximum>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDVI;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:MINNDRE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Minimum value NDRE";
  skos:notation              "MINNDRE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/Minimum>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDRE;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:MINNDVI a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Minimum value NDVI";
  skos:notation              "MINNDVI";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/Minimum>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDVI;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:STDNDRE a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Standard deviation NDRE";
  skos:notation              "STDNDRE";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/StandardDeviation>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDRE;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.
bdg:STDNDVI a qb:MeasureProperty, sosa:ObservableProperty;
  rdfs:label                 "Standard deviation NDVI";
  skos:notation              "STDNDVI";
  sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <feature/Canopy>;
  qudt:hasQuantityKind       quantitykind:Dimensionless;
  sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM;
  bdg:statisticalSummary     <statisticalSummary/StandardDeviation>;
  bdg:derivedFrom            bdg:NDVI;
  qb:concept                 sdmx-concept:obsValue.

We define statistical summary operations as a codelist: ConceptScheme, and corresponding class to enable rdfs:range checking

bdg:statisticalSummary a qb:AttributeProperty, qb:CodedProperty;
  rdfs:label "Statistical Summary"; rdfs:comment "Summary operation used on a property to derive another";
  qb:codeList <statisticalSummary>;
  rdfs:range bdg:StatisticalSummary.

<statisticalSummary> a skos:ConceptScheme;
  rdfs:label "Statistical Summary codelist scheme".
bdg:Statisticalsummary a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept;
  rdfs:label "Statistical Summary codelist class".
<statisticalSummary/Minimum> a skos:Concept, bdg:StatisticalSummary;
  skos:inScheme <statisticalSummary>; skos:topConceptOf <statisticalSummary>;
  skos:prefLabel "Minimum".
<statisticalSummary/Maximum> a skos:Concept, bdg:StatisticalSummary;
  skos:inScheme <statisticalSummary>; skos:topConceptOf <statisticalSummary>;
  skos:prefLabel "Maximum".
<statisticalSummary/CoefficientOfVariation> a skos:Concept, bdg:StatisticalSummary;
  skos:inScheme <statisticalSummary>; skos:topConceptOf <statisticalSummary>;
  skos:prefLabel "Coefficient of variation".
<statisticalSummary/StandardDeviation> a skos:Concept, bdg:StatisticalSummary;
  skos:inScheme <statisticalSummary>; skos:topConceptOf <statisticalSummary>;
  skos:prefLabel "Maximum".

2.2 Devices/Sensors

We defne 4 sensors:

  • EM38 mk2
  • RapidScan CS-45
  • SpectroSense 2+
<sensor/RTK-GPS> a sosa:Sensor; rdfs:label "RTK GPS";
  sosa:observes bdg:position.
<sensor/EM38-mk2> a sosa:Sensor; rdfs:label "EM38 mk2";
  sosa:observes bdg:position, bdg:positionQuality, bdg:satellite, bdg:HDOP, bdg:CV1m, bdg:CV05m.
<sensor/RapidScan-CS-45> a sosa:Sensor; rdfs:label "RapidScan CS-45";
  sosa:observes bdg:position, bdg:HDOP, bdg:hasGpsFix, bdg:NDRE, bdg:NDVI, bdg:RE, bdg:NIR, bdg:RED, bdg:MAXNDRE, bdg:MAXNDV, bdg:MINNDRE, bdg:MINNDVI, bdg:STDNDRE, bdg:STDNDVI, bdg:CVNDRE, bdg:CVNDVI.
<sensor/SpectroSense-2> a sosa:Sensor; rdfs:label "SpectroSense 2+";
  sosa:observes bdg:position, bdg:REDi, bdg:NIRi, bdg:REDr, bdg:NIRr, bdg:RED, bdg:NIR, bdg:NDVI, bdg:LAI.

2.3 Plots/Geometries

1. Fasoulis_RTKGPS_Boundaries.xls

EstateEstate-SegmentBoundary Point
Northing (mN)Easting (mE)Elevation (m)
  • Estate-Segments are also called Plots
  • It’s important to use consistent names for them (eg always Geotrisi)

We establish a simple hierarchy of estates and plots.

bdg:Estate a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClasssOf geo:Feature, qb4st:RefArea;
  rdfs:label "Estate"; rdfs:comment "Grape producing estate".
bdg:Plot   a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClasssOf geo:Feature, qb4st:RefArea;
  rdfs:label "Plot";   rdfs:comment "Part of an estate on which measurements are conducted".

<AUA/estate/Fasoulis> a bdg:Estate; rdfs:label "Fasoulis".
<AUA/estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi> a bdg:Plot; rdfs:label "Fasoulis-Geotrisi";
  geo:sfWithin <AUA/estate/Fasoulis>.

We represent the geometry using geoSPARQL

  • Following SDW-BP State how coordinate values are encoded, we specify explicitly the used Coordinate Reference System. We assume it’s in this case, but that needs to be checked. In addition to giving the CRS URL in geo:asWKT (a GeoSPARQL requirement), we also give it as a separate property qb4st:crs so we can filter geometries by CRS
  • Please note that we have repeated the last point because GeoSPARQL polygons must be topologically closed.
  • The plot boundary is described using a 3D polygon (lat/long/alt). We followed to select the type Polygon Z.
  • GraphDB supports such 3D literals and spatial relations (eg geo:sfWithin) work correctly: the altitude Z is ignored for such comparison (GDB-3142).
<AUA/estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi> geo:hasGeometry <AUA/estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/geo>.
<AUA/estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/geo> a geo:Geometry;
  qb4st:crs crs-epsg:32634;
  geo:asWKT """<>
     Polygon Z ((
       4186414.498 639833.509 297.154,
       4186380.300 639865.047 297.726,
       4186404.724 639931.511 298.354,
       4186437.593 639900.538 297.565,
       4186436.262 639898.365 297.644,
       4186444.820 639890.154 297.424,
       4186414.498 639833.509 297.154
  • TODO: GraphDB does not support alternative CRS in geo:asWKT (GDB-3142) but only in geo:asGML

So we have two options:

Note: in the example below, I haven’t performed an actual conversion, so the coordinates are not correct

<AUA/estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/geo2> a geo:Geometry;
  qb4st:crs crs-ogc:CRS84;
  geo:asWKT """
     Polygon Z ((
       37.414498 22.33509 297.154,
       37.380300 22.65047 297.726,
       37.404724 22.31511 298.354,
       37.437593 22.00538 297.565,
       37.436262 22.98365 297.644,
       37.444820 22.90154 297.424,
       37.414498 22.33509 297.154

2.4 Data Structure Definition

We define dataset structures (DSD) per sensor.

  • These structures describe the components of each observation, as defined in sec *Properties/Variables:
    • dimensions: identifying properties of the observation, whcih functionally determine the measures. All of these are required
    • attributes: additional qualifiers, including Units of Measure, position quality, etc. These are optional by default, unless marked with qb:componentRequired true
    • measures: the values that were observed. All of these are required
  • bdg:plot and bdg:sensor are fixed for each data file, so we attach them to the qb:DataSet (No need to use qb:Slice for this because there’s a single fixed value)
  • TODO: If wanted, we could also fix the date in this way (but it’s implied by bdg:dateTime)
  • We use the Multi-measure observations QB pattern: “This approach allows multiple observed values to be attached to an individual observation. It is suited to representation of things like sensor data and OLAP cubes”.
  • We fix some attributes to each measure (UoM, featureOfInterest, etc): “Attributes can be attached directly to the qb:MeasureProperty itself (e.g. to indicate the unit of measure for that measure) but that attachment applies to the whole data set (indeed any data set using that measure property) and cannot vary for different observations”
  • RTK GPS doesn’t need a DSD since plot geometries (sec *Plots/Geometries) are not represented using QB.
<DSD/EM38-mk2> a qb:DataStructureDefinition;
    [qb:dimension bdg:plot                   ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:sensor                 ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:position], # including Elevation, which is ignored for comparison
    [qb:dimension bdg:dateTime],
    [qb:attribute bdg:positionQuality],
    [qb:attribute bdg:satellites],
    [qb:attribute bdg:HDOP],
    [qb:attribute sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute bdg:measurementContext     ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute qudt:hasQuantityKind       ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute sdmx-attribute:unitMult    ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:measure   bdg:CV1m],
    [qb:measure   bdg:CV05m].
<DSD/RapidScan-CS-45> a qb:DataStructureDefinition;
    [qb:dimension bdg:plot                   ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:sensor                 ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:position], # including Elevation, which is ignored for comparison
    [qb:dimension bdg:dateTime],
    [qb:attribute bdg:HDOP],
    [qb:attribute bdg:hasGpsFix],
    [qb:attribute sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute qudt:hasQuantityKind       ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NDRE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NDVI],
    [qb:measure   bdg:RE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NIR],
    [qb:measure   bdg:RED],
    [qb:measure   bdg:MAXNDRE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:MAXNDV],
    [qb:measure   bdg:MINNDRE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:MINNDVI],
    [qb:measure   bdg:STDNDRE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:STDNDVI],
    [qb:measure   bdg:CVNDRE],
    [qb:measure   bdg:CVNDVI].
<DSD/SpectroSense-2> a qb:DataStructureDefinition;
    [qb:dimension bdg:plot                   ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:sensor                 ; qb:componentAttachment qb:DataSet],
    [qb:dimension bdg:position], # in Northing/Easting, or converted to CRS84 lat/long
    [qb:dimension bdg:dateTime],
    [qb:attribute sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute qudt:hasQuantityKind       ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:attribute sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ; qb:componentAttachment qb:MeasureProperty],
    [qb:measure   bdg:REDi],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NIRi],
    [qb:measure   bdg:REDr],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NIRr],
    [qb:measure   bdg:RED],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NIR],
    [qb:measure   bdg:NDVI],
    [qb:measure   bdg:LAI].

TODO: qb4st:SpatioTemporalDSD

2.5 Datasets

Now we define 3 datasets that observe the parameters described above, for one plot and one instrument.

  • TODO: provide QB4ST spatio-temporal metadata about the dataset (see issue sdw#1110)
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/EM38-mk2> a qb:DataSet;
  rdfs:label "Table grapes data about Fasoulis/Geotrisi from sensor EM38-mk2";
  bdg:sensor <sensor/EM38-mk2>;
  bdg:plot <estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi>;
  qb:structure <DSD/EM38-mk2>.
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45> a qb:DataSet;
  rdfs:label "Table grapes data about Fasoulis/Geotrisi from sensor RapidScan CS-45";
  bdg:sensor <sensor/RapidScan-CS-45>;
  bdg:plot <estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi>;
  qb:structure <DSD/RapidScan-CS-45>.
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/SpectroSense-2> a qb:DataSet;
  rdfs:label "Table grapes data about Fasoulis/Geotrisi from sensor SpectroSense 2+";
  bdg:sensor <sensor/SpectroSense-2>;
  bdg:plot <estate/Fasoulis/Geotrisi>;
  qb:structure <DSD/SpectroSense-2>.
  • TODO: Should we split the datasets per date?
  • TODO: If so, should we represent the date explicitly at the dataset level? It’s implied by bdg:dateTime of each observation, but I think we should have it explicit for convenience.
  • TODO: Similarly, the estate is not represented explicitly since it’s implied by bdg:plot

2.6 Observations

Now that we have datasets defined, it’s easy to capture all observations.

  • Each obseration links to its dataset, whose DSD determines the expected properties and the fixed properties (those attached to qb:DataSet or qb:MeasureProperty)
  • Observation URL: we use the dataset URL as prefix, and append the dateTime and a row-number to make the URL unique.
  • DateTimes are converted to xsd:dateTime format

2. Fasoulis_Geotrisi_EM38.xlsx

<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/EM38-mk2/2018-05-23T12:26:30> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet          <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/EM38-mk2>;
  bdg:position        <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/EM38-mk2/2018-05-23T12:26:30/pos>;
  bdg:dateTime        "2018-05-23T12:26:30"^^xsd:dateTime;
  bdg:positionQuality <positionQuality-1>;
  bdg:satellites      12;
  bdg:HDOP            0.69;
  bdg:CV1m            144.699;
  bdg:CV05m           106.74.

<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/EM38-mk2/2018-05-23T12:26:30/pos> a geo:Geometry ;
    geo:asWKT "Point Z(22.590 37.816 299.612)"^^geo:wktLiteral .

1. Fasoulis_Geotrisi_RapidScan_230518.xlsx

FasoulisGeotrisi0.2740.81720.09935.3833.512—.-------—.-------Fix not valid23/05/20180.4460.3670.8970.1270.4924.65E-26.759E-20.1698.260E-2
  • TIME is rendered in some invalid Excel format. We assume this will be fixed before conversion
  • Please note that the first observation here is invalid since it doesn’t have GPS fix, nor position. It violates QB integrity constraints, which say that each dimension is mandatory.
  • The second observation is also de-facto invalid, because the negative Elevation shows the sensor has not yet made a reliable satellite connection. This cannot be expressed in QB: TODO: define RDF Shapes to validate that case.
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45/2018-05-23T12:04:46/1> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet    <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45>;
  bdg:dateTime  "2018-05-23T12:04:46"^^xsd:dateTime;
# bdg:position  "Point Z(---.------- ---.------- ---)"^^geo:wktLiteral; # this invalid literal must not be formed!
# bdg:HDOP      ---;                                                    # this invalid literal must not be formed!
# bdg:hasGpsFix false;                                                  # thus the observation is invalid
  bdg:NDRE      0.274;
  bdg:NDVI      0.817;
  bdg:RE        20.099;
  bdg:NIR       35.383;
  bdg:RED       3.512;
  bdg:MAXNDRE   0.367;
  bdg:MAXNDV    0.897;
  bdg:MINNDRE   0.127;
  bdg:MINNDVI   0.492;
  bdg:STDNDRE   4.65E-2;
  bdg:STDNDVI   6.759E-2;
  bdg:CVNDRE    0.169;
  bdg:CVNDVI    8.260E-2.
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45/2018-05-23T12:04:54/2> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet    <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45>;
  bdg:dateTime  "2018-05-23T12:04:54"^^xsd:dateTime;
  bdg:position  "Point Z(37.817 22.589 -34.799)"^^geo:wktLiteral; # negative Latitude indicates invalid observation
  bdg:HDOP      2.9;
  bdg:hasGpsFix true;
  bdg:NDRE      0.260;
  bdg:NDVI      0.812;
  bdg:RE        20.257;
  bdg:NIR       34.606;
  bdg:RED       3.556;
  bdg:MAXNDRE   0.325;
  bdg:MAXNDV    0.894;
  bdg:MINNDRE   0.185;
  bdg:MINNDVI   0.714;
  bdg:STDNDRE   2.93E-2;
  bdg:STDNDVI   3.350E-2;
  bdg:CVNDRE    0.112;
  bdg:CVNDVI    4.130E-2.
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45/2018-05-23T12:04:57/3> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet    <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/RapidScan-CS-45>;
  bdg:dateTime  "2018-05-23T12:04:57"^^xsd:dateTime;
  bdg:position  "Point Z(37.817 22.590 283.899)"^^geo:wktLiteral; # valid observation
  bdg:HDOP      2.299;
  bdg:hasGpsFix true;
  bdg:NDRE      0.242;
  bdg:NDVI      0.739;
  bdg:RE        20.530;
  bdg:NIR       33.792;
  bdg:RED       5.118;
  bdg:MAXNDRE   0.352;
  bdg:MAXNDV    0.865;
  bdg:MINNDRE   -0.221;
  bdg:MINNDVI   -4.270E-2;
  bdg:STDNDRE   5.269E-2;
  bdg:STDNDVI   0.116;
  bdg:CVNDRE    0.216;
  bdg:CVNDVI    0.157.

2. Fasoulis_Geotrisi_SpectroSense_230518.xlsx

  • Here both date and time are represented in some invalid Excel format and need to be fixed prior to conversion
<data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/SpectroSense-2/2018-05-23T12:04:57/1> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet    <data/tableGrape/Fasoulis/Geotrisi/SpectroSense-2>;
  bdg:dateTime  "2018-05-23T12:04:57"^^xsd:dateTime;
  bdg:position  """<>
                   Point(37.816 22.590)"""^^geo:wktLiteral; # TODO: non-default CRS not supported by GraphDB in WKT
  bdg:REDi      66.34;
  bdg:NIRi      59.638;
  bdg:REDr      1.778;
  bdg:NIRr      5.401;
  bdg:RED       2.681E-2;
  bdg:NIR       9.057E-2;
  bdg:NDVI      0.543;
  bdg:LAI       0.427.

2.6.1 Missing values handling

QB observations are not valid if all the measures in the DSD are not present. This is a problem as in the real world often values are missing, or invalid. The obvious solution is to multiply the number of cubes and have one per measure, but this is impractical. Fortunately not-a-number is defined by XSD and `”NaN”^^xsd:double` is valid RDF.

<data/wineMaking/PechRouge/Climatic/11170004/2012-01-01> a qb:Observation;
  qb:dataSet                          <data/wineMaking/PechRouge/Climatic/11170004>;
  bdg:date                            "2012-01-01"^^xsd:date;
  bdg:temp_RANGE                      7.8 ;
  bdg:direction_wind_MAX              290 ;
  bdg:daily_wetness_duration          4.7 ;
  bdg:insolation_duration             "NaN"^^xsd:double ;
  bdg:insolation_duration_calculated  6.6 ;
  bdg:evaporation_tray                "NaN"^^xsd:double ;
  bdg:evapotranspiration_piche        "NaN"^^xsd:double ;
  bdg:evapotranspiration_penman       0.6 ;