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What is Gateway?

Gateway is an example host. It's a simple service that deploys a controller with a Fluid Framework loader and the necessary drivers to connect to Routerlicious.

Historically, Gateway was used internally to test the Fluid Framework.

Testing changes under gateway

In addition to the standard install/build, also:

  • Run install and build under gateway (running build from a parent dir doesn't build gateway)
  • Compose a local instance of gateway in Docker
# From FluidFramework/server/gateway
docker-compose build
docker-compose up --no-build

You use these two commands over just docker-compose up because just running up does not update the sources served through gateway.

  • Edit the docker-compose.yml file for the entry point to point to the local instance of gateway
# e.g. FluidFramework/docker-compose.yml
version: '3.4'
        image: gateway_gateway # The name running in Docker
            - "3005:3000" # Some other unused port
  • Start a local instance of the entry point
# e.g. from FluidFramework
npm start

When making additional changes, stop both gateway and the other entry point and rerun these steps.


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