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2378 lines (2225 loc) · 127 KB

File metadata and controls

2378 lines (2225 loc) · 127 KB

Change Log

v5.7.11 - August 17, 2020

  • Core
    • Gauage
      • Fixed issue when gauge text wasn't appear on update
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue when empty value attribute was removed on <option> element
  • Svelte
    • List
      • Fixed issue with not working sortableSort event

v5.7.10 - July 14, 2020

  • Core
    • Tooltip
      • Fixed issue with positioning for SVG elements

v5.7.9 - July 12, 2020

  • Core
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue with multiple event handler arguments
    • Searchbar
      • Not it won't scroll page on expandable open when navbar large collapsed
    • Treeview
      • Changed style to use/set item min-height instead of height
    • View
      • Now it will be also auto initialized on dynamically created panel open
    • Minor fixes

v5.7.8 - June 13, 2020

  • Core
    • Card
      • Expandable card now has user-select: none when it is closed
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue with parsing scoped styles that have "{" content
  • React/Svelte/Vue
    • Badge
      • Added support for Tooltip with tooltip and tooltipTrigger props
    • Chip
      • Added support for Tooltip with tooltip and tooltipTrigger props
  • Minor fixes

v5.7.7 - June 5, 2020

  • React/Svelte/Vue
    • ListInput
      • Fixed issue with infinite loop when updating calendarParams
    • Stepper
      • Auto update stepper internal value on value prop update
  • Minor Fixes

v5.7.6 - June 1, 2020

  • Core
    • Range slider
      • Fix for better handling touch events on Windows
    • Router
      • Fixed issue with parsing route params for Master Detail master page when navigating directly to detail page
    • Tabs
      • Automatically set initial animated tab position based on tab-active class
  • React/Svelte/Vue
    • List
      • Added virtualListInstance() methods to get Virtual List instance in Svelte
    • ListItem
      • Added smartSelectInstance() method to get Smart Select instance in Svelte
    • ListInput
      • Auto update Color Picker and Calendar params on calendarParams and colorPickerParams props changes
  • Minor fixes

v5.7.5 - May 16, 2020

  • Core
    • Input
      • Now app.input.validate() and app.input.validateInputs() should correctly work with readonly inputs (like in Calendar, Picker, Color Picker, etc.)
    • Range
      • Added support for scaleSteps: 1
      • Fixed issue when it didn't update size in parent resizable panel
    • Swiper updated to latest 5.4.0
      • Hash Navigation
        • Added hashChange and hashSet events (#3557)
      • Lazy
        • Added support for <picture> lazy loading (#3560)
      • Mousewheel
        • Potentially improved vertical scrolling issues on Windows/Linux
      • History and Hash Navigation modules are now included in Framework7 version of Swiper
    • Toast
      • Added horizontalPosition parameter - to set horizontal alignment on wide screen
    • Touch
      • Tweaked touch events detection
  • React/Vue/Svelte
    • Fab
      • Fixed issue when it rendered not correctly without icon
    • Chip
      • Now it has default slot which goes to text label

v5.7.2 - May 9, 2020

  • Core
    • Autocomplete
      • Fixed wrong padding when used as dropdown in searchbar
    • Buttons
      • Fixed rendering issue with "strong" segmented happened some times in iOS
    • Device
      • Better iPad detection
    • Panel
      • Now it auto-hides/restores on push Popup or Sheet modal open
    • View
      • Fixed current view detection when using layout with swipeable tabs
  • Svelte
    • All components now supports $$restProps under the hood, it means all extra props passed to components will be set as html attributes on component element
  • Minor fixes and improvements

v5.7.1 - May 1, 2020

  • Core
    • CSS
      • body background color changed to #000 when dark theme enabled
    • Panel
      • Now it correctly handles disabling backdrop.
    • Text Editor
      • Popover now calculates position relative to app root element (#3618)
    • View
      • Fixed current view detection when using layout with swipeable tabs
  • Minor fixes

v5.7.0 - April 25, 2020

  • Core
    • Card
      • Fixed issue when expandable card didn't work when expandable card was opened in another page
      • Fixed issue when used with "hide on scroll" Navbar/Toolbar on iOS
    • Panel
      • New swipeNoFollow parameter - fallback option for potentially better performance on old/slow devices. If you enable it, then swipe panel will not follow your finger during touch move, it will be automatically opened/closed on swipe left/right. (default false)
    • Popup
      • Disabled top/bottom safe areas on "tablet" when opened not as full screen popup
      • Now it correctly handles and stack multiple opened "push" popups
    • Radio
      • Now radio icon can be rendered in the beginning or in the end of the list item, by adding item-radio-icon-start or item-radio-icon-end class to item-radio list element
    • Smart Select
      • Add support for more data-option-icon properties:
        • data-option-icon - if it just a string then will create an icon with this class. If it is in the format of f7:icon_name then it will create a F7-Icons icon. If it is in the format of md:icon_name then it will create a Material Icons icon
        • data-option-icon-ios - same as data-option-icon but will apply only when iOS theme is active
        • data-option-icon-md - same as data-option-icon but will apply only when MD theme is active
        • data-option-icon-aurora - same as data-option-icon but will apply only when Aurora theme is active
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.3.8
      • Core
        • Fix iOS bug with double bounce on free mode momentum bounce
      • A11y
        • Fixed focus ring on navigation buttons (#3544)
        • Fixed RegExp issue in paginationBulletMessage (#3540, #3541)
      • Thumbs
        • Added thumbs.autoScrollOffset parameter that allows to set on what thumbs active slide from edge it should automaticall move scroll thumbs
    • View
      • New masterDetailResizable parameter to enable resizable Master Detail layout
      • New viewResize / view:resize event on Master Detail resize
  • React/Vue/Svelte
    • ListItem
      • New radioIcon string property to define where to display radio icon - in the beginning or in the end of the list item. Can be start or end
    • Navbar
      • Fixed not working onBackClick event in Svelte
    • Panel
      • New swipeNoFollow boolean property - fallback option for potentially better performance on old/slow devices. If you enable it, then swipe panel will not follow your finger during touch move, it will be automatically opened/closed on swipe left/right. (default false)
    • View
      • New materDetailResizable boolean property to enable resizable Master Detail layout
      • New viewResize / view:resize event on Master Detail resize
  • Minor fixes

v5.6.0 - April 18, 2020

  • Core
    • App
      • Added new app instance boolean property app.darkTheme. This property has effect only when autoDarkTheme enabled and indicates whether the dark theme active or not
      • Added new app instance event darkThemeChange. It has effect only when autoDarkTheme enabled and fires on device preferred color scheme change
    • Checkbox
      • Fixed styles in RTL mode
    • Device
      • Added nwjs property that is true when app running under NW.js environment
    • Router
      • New pageTabShow/page:tabshow and pageTabHide/page:tabhide page events. These events fires on page's parent View-Tab show/hide
    • Segmented
      • Added animation for "strong" segmented active button
      • BREAKING CHANGE - now "strong" segmented requires new <span class="segmented-highlight"> element
  • React/Vue/Svelte
    • Input
      • Added support for inputmode input attribute
    • ListInput
      • Added support for inputmode input attribute
      • Fixed issue with errorMessage in Svelte
    • ListItem
      • Added tabLink and tabLinkActive props to make list item as a tab link
    • Page
      • New pageTabShow/page:tabshow and pageTabHide/page:tabhide page events. These events fire on page's parent View-Tab show/hide
  • Minor fixes

v5.5.5 - April 10, 2020

  • Core
    • Modals (Popup, Actions, Popover, Login Screen, etc.)
      • Now it is possible to specify all modal parameters via data- attributes, e.g.
          <div class="sheet-modal" data-swipe-to-close="true" data-close-on-escape="true">
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.3.7
      • Core
        • Fixed cssMode behavior in RTL layout
      • Zoom
        • Fixed issue with not working double-tap to toggle with virtual slides
  • Minor fixes

v5.5.4 - April 2, 2020

  • Core
    • Input
      • Don't unset focus on input on input's clear button click/tap
  • Svelte
    • Input
      • Fixed issue keeping focused state on blur
  • Minor fixes

v5.5.3 - March 28, 2020

  • Core
    • Modals (Popup, Actions, Popover, Login Screen, etc.)
      • Now on modal open/close link click it will close only parent modal or last such modal if there are multiple modals with same selector
    • Input
      • app.input.validate and app.input.validateInputs methods now return true (when input(s) are valid) or false (when input(s) are not valid)
  • Components (React, Vue, Svelte)
    • Input/ListInput
      • New onValidate prop callback that receives true (when input(s) are valid) or false (when input(s) are not valid)
  • Minor fixes

v5.5.1 - March 20, 2020

  • Core
    • Action Sheet
      • Fixed issue when it stops to emit events when converted to popover
      • Added cssClass parameter to add custom css class to generated element
    • Login Screen
      • Fixed issue with appearance in dark theme
    • Popup
      • New events when swipeToClose enabled: swipeStart, swipeMove, swipeEnd, swipeClose
    • Searchbar
      • Fixed inline-searchbar styles when used with large navbar
    • Subnavbar
      • Fixed issue with disabled pointer-events in hidden navbar
  • Minor fixes

v5.5.0 - March 6, 2020

  • Core
    • Card
      • Expandable card backdrop blur now uses opacity instead of blur transition for better performance
    • Input
      • Added dark/black backround for native select <option>
    • Navbar
      • Added support to make usual (not large) Navbar also transparent. Can be enabled by adding navbar-transparent class to navbar
      • New snapPageScrollToTransparentNavbar app.navbar parameter - when enabled it will snap page scroll to transparent title (default true)
    • Router
      • New router.generateUrl({ name, query, params }) to generate route URL
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue with autocomplete attribute treated as boolean attribute
      • Now calling $update() on root app component should automatically update all components that depends on $root. data
    • Text Editor
      • added init and textEditorInit events
      • added type="button" attribute for buttons to prevent form from submitting
      • fixed issue with missing arguments in custom button onClick callback
    • Treeview
      • loadchildren's event done() callback now supports boolean cancel attribute to cancel/reject loading UI if required by calling done(true)
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.3.6
      • Core
        • Fixed wrong auto height calculation with centeredSlides enabled
      • Lazy
        • Now it will update auto height (if enabled) on lazy image loaded (#3466)
      • Zoom
        • Fixed issue when previously active slide could be zoomed with API (#3451)
        • Fixed issue when zoom didn't work on <picture> element (#3456)
        • Added support for custom zoom-target element by adding swiper-zoom-target class to such elements
      • Coverflow Effect
        • stretch parameter now can be set in % (#3468)
  • React, Svelte, Vue components
    • Page
      • Added support for pageBeforeUnmount event for Page component
    • Navbar
      • Added support to make usual (not large) Navbar also transparent. Can be enabled by adding transparent property to navbar, e.g. <Navbar transparent>
      • Large-transparent navbar now should be enabled by adding two properties large and transparent instead of one large-transparent. Before: <Navbar large large-transparent>, now: <Navbar large transparent>
  • Lots of minor fixes

v5.4.5 - February 21, 2020

  • Core
    • FAB (Floating Action Button)
      • Now it supports backdrop, by adding <div class="fab-backdrop"></div> element on same level as FAB element
    • Page
      • Added custom CSS properties for custom transitions durations: --f7-page-parallax-transition-duration, --f7-page-cover-transition-duration, --f7-page-dive-transition-duration, --f7-page-fade-transition-duration, --f7-page-flip-transition-duration, --f7-page-push-transition-duration
    • Preloader
      • New methods app.preloader.showIn(el, color) and app.preloader.hideIn(el) to show/hide preloader overlay in specific element
    • Request
      • Now it uses "native" XHR timeout
  • React, Vue, Svelte
    • Added <FabBackdrop /> component
  • Minor fixes

v5.4.2 - February 16, 2020

  • Core
    • Card
      • Fixed issue with expandable card overflow on iOS devices
      • Fixed expandable card transition in RTL
    • Text Editor
      • Fixed issue when keyboard toolbar stays opened on navigating to another page
  • Minor fixes

v5.4.1 - February 8, 2020

  • Core
    • Touch
      • Fully switch to pointer events where supported
    • Tooltip
      • New trigger parameter to define how to open Tooltip - on hover (default) or on click
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.3.1
      • Fixed issue when slider could stuck after last slide (#3414)
      • Added label to list of form events to keep clicks on it (#3407)
    • Request
      • Now it won't set headers with undefined value
  • Vue/React/Svelte
    • Tooltip
      • New tooltipTrigger prop for Button, FabButton, Fab, Icon, Link, ListButton and ListItem components
  • Minor fixes

v5.4.0 - January 29, 2020

  • Framework7 Svelte 🎉
  • Core
    • Autocomplete
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Calendar
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Card
      • New scrollabelEl parameter that allows to define child scrollable element (if used) to correctly handle expandable card close with touch move
    • Color Picker
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Photo Browser
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Picker
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
      • New scrollToEl parameter to specify cutom elements to scroll to on open
    • Smart Select
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
  • React/Vue
    • Card
      • New scrollabelEl prop that allows to define child scrollable element (if used) to correctly handle expandable card close with touch move
  • Lot of minor fixes

v5.4.0-beta.3 - January 25, 2020

  • Core
    • Autocomplete
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Calendar
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Color Picker
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Photo Browser
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Picker
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.
    • Smart Select
      • Now it falls back to not "routable" modal when there is no View passed or it can't be found.

v5.4.0-beta.2 - January 25, 2020

  • Fix missing packages

v5.4.0-beta.1 - January 25, 2020

  • Card
    • New scrollabelEl parameter that allows to define child scrollable element (if used) to correctly handle expandable card close with touch move
  • React/Vue
    • Card
      • New scrollabelEl prop that allows to define child scrollable element (if used) to correctly handle expandable card close with touch move
  • Framework7 Svelte 🎉
  • Minor fixes

v5.3.2 - January 18, 2020

  • Core
    • Component
      • Now main app component will be created on app init respecting cordova's deviceready event
    • Toolbar
      • Fixed Tabbar init when it used in main app component
    • Picker
      • Added backdrop parameter support
    • Swiper updated to latest 5.3.0
      • Core
        • New slidesPerGroupSkip behavior (#3361)
        • New ratio-based breakpoints (#3389)
        • Added SCSS interpolation (#3373, #3374)
      • Mousehweel
        • Fixed issue when it can fail on load (#3383)
    • Touch
      • Fixed issue when it could prevent Leaflet map controls on iOS 12.x
  • Vue/React
    • Navbar - fixed issue when it could disappear with custom transitions
  • Minor fixes

v5.3.0 - January 3, 2020

  • Core
    • Card
      • Increased default z-index for expandable card
    • Dialog
      • Added support for backdrop parameter to be able to disable backdrop
    • Sheet
      • New sheet.setSwipeSet() method to update swipe step position if content was modified manually
    • Tooltip
      • New offset parameter to add extra offset to tooltip position
    • Touch
      • New touch.activeStateOnMouseMove boolean app parameter. If enabled it will not remove "active state" from clicked elements on mouse move
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue with parsing CSS media queries in scoped styles
      • Now it is possible to use whole app layout as a component
        • Main app component can be specified in app component or componentUrl parameter
        • app.rootComponent now refers to main app component instance
        • If main app component is used, then $root in components refers to main app component instance
    • Minor fixes

v5.2.0 - December 8, 2019

  • Core
    • Accordion
      • It is now possible to use accordion chevron on opposite side (on left in LTR) by adding accordion-opposite class to accordion list
    • Calendar
      • Fixed issue when custom dateFormat parsed twice (#3434)
      • Added custom time tokens support to dateFormat when timePicker is enabled: HH, H, hh, h, :mm, :m, :ss, :s, A, a (#3439)
    • Dialog
      • New app.dialog.autoFocus boolean parameter to auto focus predefined dialog inputs on open (valid for predefined Prompt, Login and Password dialogs). Enabled by default
      • Added hover and pressed state for dialog buttons in Aurora theme
    • Panel
      • All panel instance events now have Panel instance as argument (#3404)
    • Photo Browser
      • Size navbar after updating count text (1 of 4) (#3420)
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue when calling $setState recursively didn't work as expected (#3421)
    • Smart Select
      • Fixed issue calling scrollToSelectedItem caused error when there were no any items (#3412)
    • Sortable
      • It is now possible to make sortable handler appear on opposite side (on left in LTR) adding sortable-opposite class to sortable list
  • Phenome
    • Added lock to not throw and error and ignore further attempts to init Framework7 (for example when App component unmounted and mounted again)
    • List
      • New boolean sortableOpposite prop to render sortable handler on opposite side
      • New boolean accordionOpposite prop to render accordion checron icon on opposite side
    • Navbar
      • Fixed issue when no-shadow and no-hairline props didn't have expected effect (#3436)
      • Fixed issue when it was loosing required position classes in Master Detail layout
  • Minor fixes

v5.1.3 - November 17, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed issue with setting wrong class on page

v5.1.2 - November 17, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed issue when .once could be called more than once (#3322)
    • Navbar
      • Fixed issue when scrollTopOnTitleClick didn't work in iOS theme
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.2.1
      • Core
        • New loop events beforeLoopFix and loopFix
        • New parameter updateOnWindowResize (by default true) that will update/recalc swiper on window resize/orientationchange
      • Mousewheel
        • Fixed scroll wheel unwanted frozen effect (#3328)
      • Thumbs
        • New multipleActiveThumbs (by default true) option to control whether multiple thumbnail slides may get activated or not.
  • Phenome
    • Navbar
      • Fixed issue when dynamically updating its classes/props could break its layout
  • Minor fixes

v5.1.1 - November 3, 2019

  • Core
    • Calendar
      • Fixed d, m, D, M tokens parsing in custom date format
    • Photo Browser
      • Fixed issue when opening PhotoBrowser on not first slide can cause empty text in its Navbar
    • Router Component
      • New syntax to use custom components in strict HTML layout using component attribute, e.g. <tr component="my-table-row"></tr> instead of <my-table-row></my-table-row>
  • Minor fixes

v5.1.0 - October 27, 2019

  • Core
    • Grid
      • New resizable grid
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue when triggering update could break scoped styles
      • Fixed update callbacks queue
    • Swiper - updated to latest 5.2.0
      • Core
        • New centeredSlidesBounds parameter that when enabled will keep first and last slides at bounds
        • Fixed issue when freeMode could break position on resize (#2708, #3303)
        • Fixed transitin duration issue with freeModeSticky (#3302)
        • Fixed issue with wrong row/column if not full groups (#3294)
        • Fixed issue when watchOverflow and slidesOffsetBefore/slidesOffsetAfter couldn't work together (#3291)
      • Mousewheel
        • Faster & smoother mousewheel inertial scrolling (#3304)
  • Phenome
    • Row/Col
      • New resizable components properties to enable resizable grid

v5.0.5 - October 16, 2019

  • Core
    • Toolbar
      • Now it fires toolbar:show and toolbar:hide events on show/hide
    • Card
      • Now it should consider hideStatusbarOnOpen when calculating expandable card size
    • PhotoBrowser
      • Fixed issue with double preloader
      • Fixed issue when double tap to zoom also toggled exposition
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue when updated hook had wrong context
    • Sheet Modal
      • Tweaked Sheet dark theme background color to have more contrast with page
    • Input
      • Added more events when resizable textarea's size should be recalculated
    • Swiper updated to latest v5.1.0
      • Core
        • Fixed issues with touch on iOS 13
        • New translateTo method
      • Pagination
        • Improved dynamic bullets behavior when loop: true
      • Zoom
        • Fixed issue with pinch to zoom on Android
  • Phenome
    • Page
      • Fixed issue when pages can stuck on swipe back
    • TextEditor
      • Fixed issue with not working component events

v5.0.4 - October 9, 2019

  • Core
    • Messages
      • Fixed iOS dark theme Messages colors
    • Text Editor
      • Fixed TypeScript definitions error

v5.0.3 - October 8, 2019

  • Core
    • Input
      • scrollIntoViewOnFocus functionality now considers the case when input is inside of expandable card
    • TextEditor
      • Prevent parent form submission on editor button click
  • Phenome
    • Page
      • Fixed issue when page after can stay "blocked" after expandable card close

v5.0.2 - October 7, 2019

  • Phenome
    • ListGroup
      • Fixed issue breaking this component

v5.0.1 - October 7, 2019

  • Core
    • Tooltip
      • Fixed issue when Tooltip stays hidden on desktop

v5.0.0 - October 7, 2019

CSS & Theming

  • iOS Dark theme colors reworked to match iOS 13 dark theme colors
  • Most of CSS variables related to colors (especially "gray" colors) reworked to rgba colors to appear better on custom designs. It is related to text colors, background colors, icons colors, borders and hairlines colors.
  • Most of iOS theme 15px sizes (list/blocks paddings and margins) are changed to 16px instead
  • New CSS breakpoints. Now there are new names for app sizes instead of tablet- and desktop- before. Now they are:
    • xsmall - width more than 480px
    • small - width more than 568px
    • medium - width more than 768px
    • large - width more than 1024px
    • xlarge - width more than 1200px
  • Dark Theme can now be excluded from bundle (custom build)
  • Light Theme can now also be excluded from bundle (custom build)

Core Package

  • Now core package contains new framework7-lite.js, framework7-lite.bundle.js scripts. Difference with usual scripts is that these "lite" versions don't contain Component (Router Component) functionality. This version is recommended to use with F7-Vue/React versions where you anyway use Vue/React components instead.

Core APIs & Modules

  • iOS Translucent
    • New iosTranslucentBars app parameter to enable translucent effect (blur background) on navigation bars (by default enabled)
    • New iosTranslucentModals app parameter to enable translucent effect (blur background) on modals (Dialog, Popover, Actions) (by default enabled)
  • Connection API (new)
    • New F7 instance's online boolean property that is true when app online and false otherwise
    • Now app emits online event when app goes online
    • Now app emits offline event when app goes offline
    • Now app emits connection event on app connection change
  • Device
    • .needsStatusbarOverlay() method has been removed
    • .statusbar property and detection has been removed
    • .iphoneX property and detection has been removed
    • .windowsPhone property and detection has been removed
    • It doesn't set device-ios-gt-{version} classes on html element anymore
    • It doesn't set device-{os}-{version} classes on html element anymore
    • It doesn't set retina class on html element anymore
  • Request
    • Request "promise" methods now will be resolved with { data, status, xhr } object (rather than with just data like before)
    • Request "promise" methods now will be rejected with { message, status, xhr } object (rather than with just status like before)
  • Statusbar
    • Statusbar overlay element (<div class="statusbar">) and related functionality has been removed in favor of using that space by navigation bars and other elements to provide true full-screen experience and customization. Statusbar cordova's API is there as it was before.
  • Touch
    • Fast clicks functionality has been completely removed. Following app.touch' parameters are not supported anymore: fastClicks, fastClicksDistanceThreshold, fastClicksDelayBetweenClicks and fastClicksExclude
    • Added support to disable "active state" on specific elements by adding no-active-state class to such elements
  • View/Router
    • New loadInitialPage (boolean) parameter. When enabled, and there is no children pages inside of the View. It will load initial page that matches to initial URL (default true)
    • New componentCache (boolean) parameter. When enabled, Router will cache components specified via componentUrl (default true)
    • Removed .clearPreviousPages() method. Now there is only .clearPreviousHistory() that removes both history and pages from DOM
    • Root (first) detail page (in master-detail layout) will now have extra page-master-detail-root
    • Root (first) detail navbar (in master-detail layout) will now have extra navbar-master-detail-root.
    • Added custom page transitions support and 8 new page transitions: f7-circle, f7-cover, f7-cover-v, f7-dive, f7-fade, f7-flip, f7-parallax, f7-push
    • Custom transition can now also be specified via data-transition attribute on links
    • Route declaration now supports new viewName property. And whatever View such route requested, it will be loaded in View specified in viewName property.
    • Route declaration now supports new options.transition string property to specify custom transition for this route
    • Route declaration now supports new asyncComponent method that should return Promise resolved with Component or ES module with .default property containing Component
    • It is now possible to specify "current" view for link to load the page with data-view="current" attribute
    • iosSeparateDynamicNavbar parameter has been removed and behavior that uses with iosSeparateDynamicNavbar: false is not supported anymore

Core Components

  • Action Sheet
    • Now it also appears in dark when dark theme enabled
  • Autocomplete
    • New popupPush parameter - enables Autocomplete popup to push view(s) behind on open
    • New popupSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Autocomplete popup with swipe
  • Block
    • Now it uses new breakpoint names for {size}-inset classes (e.g. tablet-inset -> medium-inset, etc.)
    • Block title in iOS theme is now larger and bolder
  • Button
    • iOS theme buttons are reworked a bit. They now has thicker border and uppercased
    • New "strong" segmented style (e.g. iOS 13 segmented). Can be enabled by adding segmented-strong class to segmented element (<div class="segmented">)
  • Calendar
    • Now calendar value will be cleared on related input's clear (when "clear button" clicked)
    • Calendar has been reworked to use Intl.DateTimeFormat API.
      • New locale parameter (e.g. en-US). If not specified, it will use browser locale
      • dateFormat now can accept Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions (e.g. { month: 'long', day: 'numeric' })
      • monthNames now by default is auto - it will display month names based on specified locale (or browser locale)
      • monthNamesShort now by default is auto - it will display month names based on specified locale (or browser locale)
      • dayNames now by default is auto - it will display week day names based on specified locale (or browser locale)
      • dayNamesShort now by default is auto - it will display week day names based on specified locale (or browser locale)
      • Jalali calendar and IDate dependency removed in favor of new Intl api
    • New month picker functionality (clicking month name in toolbar will open month picker) with new monthPicker parameter (by default true)
    • New year picker functionality (clicking year in toolbar will open year picker) with new yearPicker parameter (by default true)
    • New yearPickerMin parameter to specify minimum available year for year picker, by default is today minus 100 years
    • New yearPickerMax parameter to specify maximum available year for year picker, by default is today plus 100 years
    • New time picker functionality (to select a time in addition to date) with new timePicker parameter (by default false)
    • New timePickerFormat parameter to specify time format displayed in time selector. (default { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' })
    • New timePickerPlaceholder parameter to specify time picker placeholder text (default "Select time")
    • New sheetPush parameter - enables Calendar sheet to push view(s) behind on open
    • New sheetSwipeToClose parameter - to close Calendar sheet with swipe
  • Card
    • New hideStatusbarOnOpen app card parameter - will hide "Statusbar" on expandable card open. (default true)
  • Color Picker
    • New popupPush parameter - enables Color Picker popup to push view(s) behind on open
    • New popupSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Color Picker popup with swipe
    • New sheetPush parameter - enables Color Picker sheet to push view(s) behind on open
    • New sheetSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Color Picker sheet with swipe
  • Data Table
    • Removed support for tablet-only and desktop-only classes for table columns. Now it uses new breakpoint names and classes accordingly (e.g. medium-only, xlarge-only, etc.)
  • Dialog
    • Now it also appears in dark when dark theme enabled
  • Grid
    • Now it uses new breakpoint names for responsive columns classes (e.g. tablet-50 -> medium-50, etc.)
  • List
    • Now it uses new breakpoint names for {size}-inset classes (e.g. tablet-inset -> medium-inset, etc.)
    • Removed declaration for list icon default color (that could make it harder to customize)
  • Login Screen
    • Now it centers content vertically
  • Navbar
    • iOS theme dynamic Navbar behavior totally reworked. Now it doesn't take navbar-inner from the page's Navbar, but takes whole Navbar element. It makes it easier to customize each navbar (bg color, text color, hairlines, shadows) and brings better transitions between them.
    • Navbar size now will be increased (when top safe-area is in place) to cover the status bar space. This gives even better full-screen experience and transitions.
    • Navbar HTML layout has been reworked, now it has new navbar-bg element:
      <div class="navbar">
        <div class="navbar-bg"></div>
        <div class="navbar-inner">
    • Large Navbar should now have addition navbar-large class on navbar itself (instead of navbar-large-inner on navbar-inner):
      <div class="navbar navbar-large">
        <div class="navbar-bg"></div>
        <div class="navbar-inner">
    • New large transparent Navbar (like in iOS 13), can enabled with additional navbar-large-transparent class:
      <div class="navbar navbar-large navbar-large-transparent">
        <div class="navbar-bg"></div>
        <div class="navbar-inner">
  • Panel
    • Panels functionality has been fully reworked and now behaves more like a modals, which means we now can have as many panels as we want (or need) not limited to only 2 (left and right) panels.
    • The following parameter has been removed from app.panel parameters: leftBreakpoint, rightBreakpoint, swipe, swipeActiveArea, swipeColoseAtiveSide, swipeOnlyClose, swipeThreshold, closeByBackdropClick.
    • Now every panel must be initialized separately and panel parameters must be specified for each panel.
    • It is now possible to auto init the panel by adding panel-init class and specify such panel parameters with data- attributes, e.g.:
        <div class="panel panel-left panel-cover" data-swipe="true" data-visible-breakpoint="1200">
    • Each panel supports new set of parameters:
      • backdrop - enables backdrop
      • backdropEl - specify custom backdop element
      • collapsedBreakpoint (number) - app width when panel becomes partially visible (collapsed)
      • visibleBreakpoint (number) - app width when panel becomes fully visible
      • swipe (boolean) - makes panel swipeable
      • swipeOnlyClose (boolean) - makes panel swipeable but only to close
      • swipeActiveArea (number) - active area from the edge of the screen where panel swipes enabled
      • swipeThreshold (number) - panel will not move with swipe if "touch distance" will be less than this value
    • Each panel instance has new methods:
      • enableVisibleBreakpoint()
      • disableVisibleBreakpoint()
      • toggleVisibleBreakpoint()
      • enableCollapsedBreakpoint()
      • disableCollapsedBreakpoint()
      • toggleCollapsedBreakpoint()
      • enableResizable()
      • disableResizable()
      • enableSwipe()
      • disableSwipe()
    • methods now can receive panel element (or CSS selector) of the panel to open/close. left and right values are still work buton only if you have only one left or right panel
    • The following F7 instance props and methods removed and indended to be used on panel instance instead:
      • app.panel.enableSwipe()
      • app.panel.disableSwipe()
      • app.panel.enableResizableSwipe()
      • app.panel.disableResizableSwipe()
      • app.panel.left
      • app.panel.right
    • panel-active panel class renamed to panel-in
  • PhotoBrowser
    • backLinkText parameter renamed to pageBackLinkText
    • New popupCloseLinkText parameter to specify "close" link text when it is opened as Popup or as Standalone
    • New navbarShowCount parameter to define should it display "3 of 5" text in navbar title or not. If not specified (undefined) then it will show this text if there is more than 1 item
    • New popupPush parameter - enables Photo Browser popup to push view(s) behind on open
  • Picker
    • Font size on picker items became smaller in iOS and MD themes
    • New sheetPush parameter - enables Picker sheet to push view(s) behind on open
    • New sheetSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Picker sheet with swipe
  • Popup
    • New boolean push parameter. When enabled it will push view behind on open. Works only when top safe area is in place. It can also enabled by adding popup-push class to popup element.
  • Sheet Modal
    • In iOS theme it now has white background color by default
    • New boolean push parameter. When enabled it will push view behind on open. Works only when top safe area is in place. It can also enabled by adding sheet-push class to sheet modal element.
    • Swipeable Sheet Modal now correctly handles scrolling inside of nested page-content element
  • Sortable
    • Sortable sort event data now also contain el property with reference to sorted item
    • Now sorting can be done on tap-hold. It can be enabled by adding additional sortable-tap-hold to sortable container. Also app.touch.tapHold should be enabled to emit taphold events.
  • Smart Select
    • Fixed behavior when it is multiple and with Virtual List enabled
    • New .unsetValue() method to unset smart select value
    • New popupPush parameter - enables Smart Select popup to push view(s) behind on open
    • New popupSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Smart Select popup with swipe
    • New sheetPush parameter - enables Smart Select sheet to push view(s) behind on open
    • New sheetSwipeToClose parameter - enables ability to close Smart Select sheet with swipe
  • Subnavbar
    • Subnavbar's title element (<div class="title">) now should be used with class subnavbar-title instead (<div class="subnavbar-title">)
  • Swiper updated to latest 5 version:
    • Core
      • All new CSS Scroll Snap mode (can be enabled with cssMode: true). It doesn't support all of Swiper's features, but potentially should bring a much better performance in simple configurations
      • Fully removed Internet Explorer support
      • breakpointsInverse parameter has been removed and now breakpoints behave like with breakpointsInverse: true before.
      • touchMoveStopPropagation parameter now defaults to false
      • click event won't be fired with 300ms delay anymore. Now it will be fired at the same time as tap event
      • When slidesPerColumnFill: 'column' it now uses flex-direction: column layout which requires specified height on swiper-container
      • slidesPerColumn now can be used with breakpoints
      • Now Swiper styles use CSS Custom Properties (CSS Custom Variables) to specify swiper's color theme (color of navigation buttons/pagination). It is now --swiper-theme-color: #007aff;
      • Improved es module "tree-shake-ability"
      • New swiper.esm.browser.bundle.js package that can be used directly in browser (import Swiper from 'swiper.esm.browser.bundle.js')
    • Autoplay
      • Now it will be paused when document becomes hidden (in not active tab) and continued again when document becomes visible
    • Lazy
      • Swiper preloader image replaced with a little bit simpler loader. Now its color can be changed with --swiper-preloader-color CSS custom property (which is defaults to --swiper-theme-color)
    • Pagination
      • Active pagination bullets and pagination theme colors now use CSS Custom Properties. It can be defined with --swiper-pagination-color property (which is defaults to --swiper-theme-color)
    • Navigation
      • Navigation icons reworked with built-in (base64) icon font. It allows to apply any color and size without replacing image
      • Navigation buttons colors now use CSS Custom Properties. It can be defined with --swiper-navigation-color property (which is defaults to --swiper-theme-color)
      • With --swiper-navigation-size (defaults to 44px) it is now possible to change size of the navigation buttons (and icons)
  • Text Editor
    • All new touch-friendly Rich Text Editor component
  • Timeline
    • Now it uses new breakpoint names for {size}-sides classes (e.g. tablet-sides -> medium-sides, etc.)
  • Toolbar
    • Tabbar labels text (font) size increased in iOS theme

Framework7 Router Component

  • Now it supports async data method (where it must return Promise)
    export default {
      async data() {
        const user = await fetch('some/path').then(res => res.json());
        return {
    export default {
      data() {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            .then(res => res.json())
            .then(user => resolve({ user }))
  • Component DOM updates are now async. It means that it is not guaranteed that DOM will be updated right after calling $setState. So there is a new $tick context method that can be safely used to reference DOM and ensure it was updated:
    this.$setState({foo: 'bar'});
    this.$setState({john: 'doe'});
    this.$tick(() => {
      // DOM updated
  • $setState now also receives second callback argument that will be fired on DOM update:
    this.$setState({foo: 'bar'}, () => {
      // DOM updated
  • Component context has new $update(callback) method that can be used instead of $setState to just trigger DOM update: = 'bar';
    this.$update(() => {
      // DOM updated
  • Added support for mixins that can be re-used in components. Mixin can extend any component lifecycle hook, methods and data. Mixins should be passed in component's mixins property as an array:
    const mountedMixin = {
      mounted() {
        // do something on mounted
    const defaultDataMixin = {
      data() {
        return { foo: 'bar' }
    // extend component with mixins
    export default {
      mixins: [ mountedMixin, defaultDataMixin ],
      data() {
        return { john: 'doe' }
      // ...
  • It is also possible to register global mixins with new method Framework7.registerComponentMixin(mixinName, mixin)
    Framework7.registerComponentMixin('default-data-mixin', {
      data() {
        return { foo: 'bar' }
    And use it like:
    export default {
      mixins: [ 'default-data-mixin' ],
      data() {
        return { john: 'doe' }
      // ...
  • Now it is possible to create custom reusable components with new method Framework7.registerComponent(tagName, component)
    Framework7.registerComponent('my-list-item', {
      data() {
        return { foo: 'bar' }
      template: `
        <li class="list-item" id="{{foo}}">...</li>
    And use it in other components like:
    <div class="list">
  • New class based syntax for components for better TypeScript support:
    import { Component } from 'famework7';
    export default class extends Component {
      data() {
        return { foo: 'bar' }
      mounted() {
        this.onMounted(); // call method
      onMounted() {
        // ...
      // ...

Phenome (Vue/React)

  • Now it is possible to get Framework7 instance, f7ready function and theme by directly importing them from package. This can be useful for functional components that don't have F7 extensions, e.g.:
      import { f7, f7ready, theme } from 'framework7-react';
      // or
      import { f7, f7ready, theme } from 'framework7-vue';
  • Most of internal events reworked to use custom events system instead of DOM events. So all component events don't contain reference to HTML elements anymore.

Phenome (Vue/React) Components

  • Block
    • tabletInset prop has been removed
    • New inset props to reflect new breakpoint names: xsmallInset, smallInset, mediumInset, largeInset, xlargeInset
  • Button
    • New transition (string) prop to specify custom page transition name for list link
  • Grid
    • Col component now uses new breakpoint names for responsive size props. So there are new props instead of tabletWidth and desktopWidth: xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge.
        <Col size="50" medium="33" large="25">...</Col>
  • Icon
    • size prop will also set element width and height in addition to just font-size (like before)
    • Removed support for Font Awesome and Ionic icons, props fa and ion not supported anymore
  • Link
    • New transition (string) prop to specify custom page transition name for list link
  • List
    • Sortable sort event data now also contain el property with reference to sorted item
    • Sortable sort event data now contains sortableData property as first argument
    • New sortableTapHold prop to enable sorting on tap hold. Also app.touch.tapHold parameter should be enable to emit taphold events.
    • tabletInset prop has been removed
    • New inset props to reflect new breakpoint names: xsmallInset, smallInset, mediumInset, largeInset, xlargeInset
  • ListItem
    • accordionBeforeOpen, accordionBeforeClose events now contain prevent method as first argument
    • swipeout event now contains swipeout progress as first argument
    • New transition (string) prop to specify custom page transition name for list link
  • ListInput/Input
    • Support for new type="texteditor" prop to make it appear as Text Editor
    • New textEditorParams prop to specify text editor parameters
  • Navbar
    • Removed support for boolean inner prop and removed ability to render it without navbar-inner element
    • New largeTransparent prop to make large navbar transparent (should be used in addition to large prop)
    • nav-left slot renamed to left
    • nav-right slot renamed to right
    • New title-large slot
  • Panel
    • NewcollapsedBreakpoint (number) prop - app width when panel becomes partially visible (collapsed)
    • NewvisibleBreakpoint (number) prop - app width when panel becomes fully visible
    • Newswipe (boolean) prop - makes panel swipeable
    • NewswipeOnlyClose (boolean) prop - makes panel swipeable but only to close
    • NewswipeActiveArea (number) prop - active area from the edge of the screen where panel swipes enabled
    • NewswipeThreshold (number) prop - panel will not move with swipe if "touch distance" will be less than this value
  • Page
    • ptr:refresh event now contains done method as first argument
  • PageContent
    • ptr:refresh event now contains done method as first argument
  • PhotoBrowser
    • backLinkText prop renamed to pageBackLinkText
    • New popupCloseLinkText prop to specify "close" link text when it is opened as Popup or as Standalone
    • New navbarShowCount prop to define should it display "3 of 5" text in navbar title or not. If not specified (undefined) then it will show this text if there is more than 1 item
  • Popup
    • New push prop to push view(s) behind on open
  • Segmented
    • New strong, strongIos, strongMd and strongAurora props to enable new "strong" segmented style
  • Sheet
    • New push prop to push view(s) behind on open
  • Statusbar
    • Statusbar component has been removed
  • Tabs
    • New swiperParams prop to specify swipeable tabs swiper parameters
  • TextEditor
    • New TextEditor component

v4.5.2 - September 27, 2019

  • Core
    • Router
      • Fixed issue in Firefox when going back from routable modal could reload the page in (#3316)
    • Card
      • Fixed issue with expandable card close, when it is opened in view with sidebar (#3315)
    • Swipeout
      • Fixed issue when overswipe didn't work with single item (#3279)
    • SmartSelect
      • Fixed issue when destroying it on close could throw and error
    • Autocomplete
      • Fixed issue when destroying it on close could throw and error
    • Photo Browser
      • Fixed issue when destroying it on close could throw and error

v4.5.1 - September 19, 2019

  • Core
    • Router Component
      • Improved scoped styles parsing algorithm
    • Swiper
      • Fixed error in swiper lazy module
    • Color Picker
      • Fixed error with "Current Color" module destroy
    • Panel
      • Fixed issue with not working breakpoint events

v4.5.0 - August 21, 2019

  • Core
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue breaking rendering when root component element is not a div
    • Searchbar
      • Fixed issue with scroll for expandable Searchbar in RTL direction
    • Sortable
      • Now new no-sorting or disallow-sorting class can be added to specific list item to disable sorting for it
    • Infinite Scroll
      • Fixed issue when it may not work on routable tab if routable tab content is infinite-scroll element
    • Pull To Refresh
      • Fixed issue when it may not work on routable tab if routable tab content is PTR element
    • Dialog
      • Fixed issue when calling .close() on queued dialog would still open it
    • Smart Select
      • New formatValueText(values) parameter to return formatted (custom) text value that appears on list item (in item-after)
      • New setValueText (by default is true) parameter to set formatted text value on list item (in item-after)
      • Now it emits beforeOpen(instance, prevent) event that allows to prevent its opening by calling prevent() function
    • Preloader
      • Fixed issue when it didn't initialize correctly in routable tab
    • Progressbar
      • Fixed issue when it didn't initialize correctly in routable tab
    • Popover
      • Fixed issue when during positioning it didn't consider top safe area
  • Phenome
    • Button, FabButton, Fab, Icon, Link, ListButton, ListItem
      • Imporved tooltip prop reactivity to change, set or unset tooltip correctly
    • ListItem
      • Now settings sortable: false prop on it, will prevent this specific item from sorting
    • Navbar
      • nav-left slot is also available as left slot
      • nav-right slot is also available as right slot
      • New title-large slot to add custom content/layout to large title text
    • List, ListGroup
      • New sortableMoveElements (boolean) prop that allow to override same sortable.moveElements global app parameter. That when disabled (false) won't move DOM elements on sort
  • Minor fixes

v4.4.10 - July 29, 2019

  • Core
    • Device
      • Fixed device-desktop class

v4.4.9 - July 29, 2019

  • Core
    • Infinite Scroll
      • Fixed issue when destroying infinite scroll could detach all other scroll event listeners
    • Navbar/Toolbar
      • Fixed issue with enabled hideNavbar/ToolbarOnScroll could hide toolbar on nested elements scrolling
    • Device
      • On desktop device.os will contain macos or windows if it is running under these OS
  • Phenome
    • Card
      • Added backdropEl property to specify custom card backdrop

v4.4.7 - July 19, 2019

  • Core
    • Card
      • Fixed issue when data-close-by-backdrop-click was ignored
    • Sheet
      • New sheet:stepprogress and sheetStepPropgress events firing during swipe step
    • Inputs
      • New --f7-input-padding-left and --f7-input-padding-right CSS variables
      • New --f7-textarea-height CSS variable
    • Device
      • Fixed iOS 13 iPad detection when it is in desktop mode
    • View/Router
      • Fixed issue when currentView may not return View in tabs layout
      • Fixed issue when returning to previous page could block its scroll in iOS
    • Tooltip
      • Fixed issue when tooltip wasn't initialized if added dynamically with VDOM
  • Minor fixes

v4.4.6 - July 1, 2019

  • Core
    • Router
      • Fixed issue when loading detail page in (Master Detail) with reloadAll loaded only detail page

v4.4.5 - June 27, 2019

  • Core
    • Router
      • Improved Master-Detail behavior with pushState enabled
      • Fixed issue when routable modal template contains comments before actual template
      • Route params now url-decoded
    • Router Component
      • Fixed issue when Progressbar progress wasn't updated with $setState
  • Phenome
    • Page
      • Fixed issue with not correctly rendered preloader when infinite or ptr preloader property set dynamically
  • Minor tweaks and fixes

v4.4.3 - June 4, 2019

  • Core
    • Color Picker
      • New Hue-Saturation spectrum module (hs-spectrum)
      • New Brightness slider module (brightness-slider)
    • Router
      • Fixed issue when beforeIn page callback called before beforeOut of other page
    • Virtual List
      • Now it is possible to pass custom scrollable parent element with new scrollableParentEl parameter
  • Phenome
    • Range
      • New name prop to specify input's "name" attribute
    • Stepper
      • New name prop to specify input's "name" attribute
    • ListButton
      • Now also supports tooltip property to display tooltip
    • ListItem
      • Now also supports tooltip property to display tooltip
  • Minor fixes

v4.4.0 - May 13, 2019

  • Core
    • All new Treeview component 🎉
    • Popup
      • Added "swipe-to-close" feature
      • New swipeToClose parameter that will allow to close Popup with swipe
      • New swipeHandler parameter to specify swipe to close handler element
    • Sheet Modal
      • Added "swipe-to-close" feature
      • Added "swipe-to-step" feature
      • New swipeToClose parameter that will allow to close Sheet modal with swipe
      • New swipeToStep parameter that will allow to expand Sheet modal with swipe
      • New swipeHandler parameter to specify swipe to close handler element
      • New stepOpen(), stepClose() and stepToggle() sheet instance methods to open, close and toggle swipe step.
      • New app.sheet.stepOpen(), app.sheet.stepClose() and app.sheet.stepToggle() app sheet methods to open, close and toggle swipe step.
      • New sheet:stepopen, sheet:stepclose sheet DOM events
      • New stepOpen, stepClose sheet instance events
      • New sheetStepOpen, sheetStepClose app instance events
    • Autocomplete
      • Now it is possible to select dropdown values with keyboard UP and DOWN keys
      • Now it will close dropdown on ESC key
    • Checkbox
      • Added support for indeterminate checkboxes
    • Data Table
      • Now it uses indeterminate checkbox in head when some of the rows are selected
    • Range Slider
      • New limitKnobPosition boolean property to limit knob position to size of the bar. By default enabled for iOS theme
  • Phenome
    • Treeview
      • New Treeview and TreeviewItem components
    • Popup
      • Added "swipe-to-close" feature
      • New swipeToClose prop that will allow to close Popup with swipe
      • New swipeHandler prop to specify swipe to close handler element
    • Sheet Modal
      • Added "swipe-to-close" feature
      • Added "swipe-to-step" feature
      • New swipeToClose parameter that will allow to close Sheet modal with swipe
      • New swipeToStep parameter that will allow to expand Sheet modal with swipe
      • New swipeHandler parameter to specify swipe to close handler element
      • New sheet:stepopen (sheetStepOpen), sheet:stepclose (sheetStepClose) sheet events
    • Checkbox/ListItem
      • New indeterminate prop to make checkbox indeterminate
    • Range Slider
      • New limitKnobPosition boolean property to limit knob position to size of the bar. By default enabled for iOS theme
  • Minor fixes

v4.3.1 - April 29, 2019

  • Core
    • Range Slider
      • Fixed issue with vertical slider not working correctly with side swipes
    • Cards
      • Fixed issue with expandable cards glitches in iOS
      • Expandable card app parameters can now be set on each card individually with data- attributes: data-animate, data-backdrop, data-swipe-to-close, data-close-by-backdrop-click, data-hide-navbar-on-open, data-hide-toolbar-on-open
    • Router
      • Fixed missing reference to pageFrom in swipe-back data
      • Router component has new $id property
    • Touch
      • Now touch clicks threshold is configurable with app.touch.touchClicksDistanceThreshold parameter
  • Phenome
    • Card
      • Expandable card app parameters can now be set on each card individually with new props: animate, hideNavbarOnOpen, hideToolbarOnOpen, swipeToClose, closeByBackdropClick, backdrop
    • Navbar
      • Now it should return all children correctly when inner: false passed
  • Minor fixes

v4.3.0 - April 17, 2019

  • Core
    • Color Picker - all new modular Color Picker component 🎉
    • Auto Dark Theme
      • Now it can be set automatically based on user system color scheme preference (where supported). To enable autoDarkTheme: true must be passed to app init parameters
      • New app.enableAutoDarkTheme() to enable this feature manually (where supported)
      • New app.disableAutoDarkTheme() to disable this feature manually
    • Panel
      • Now side panels can be resizable 🎊. Requires panel-resizable class on panel element to enable
    • Device
      • New prefersColorScheme() that returns dark or light where supported, or undefined where not supported
    • Cards
      • Fixed issue whith "jumpy" layout when expandable card closes on iOS
    • Navbar
      • New navbar:hide and navbar:show events when navbar hidden/shown
      • New navbar:collapse and navbar:expand events when navbar collapsed/expanded to large title navbar
    • Popover
      • New closeOnEscape parameter to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl parameter to pass custom backdrop element
      • Now it won't be closed on backdrop click if onscreen keyboard opened (requires cordova keyboard plugin)
      • Now it will be repositioned when onscreen keyboard opens and closes (requires cordova keyboard plugin)
      • Reworked/tweaked positioning in MD theme
    • Popup
      • New closeOnEscape parameter to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl parameter to pass custom backdrop element
      • Now it won't be closed on backdrop click if onscreen keyboard opened (requires cordova keyboard plugin)
    • Actions
      • New closeOnEscape parameter to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl parameter to pass custom backdrop element
      • Now it won't be closed on backdrop click if onscreen keyboard opened (requires cordova keyboard plugin)
    • Sheet
      • New closeOnEscape parameter to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl parameter to pass custom backdrop element
      • Now it won't be closed on backdrop click if onscreen keyboard opened (requires cordova keyboard plugin)
      • Now it can be opened from top (instead of bottom) by adding sheet-modal-top class to sheet modal element
    • Stepper
      • Reworked RTL layout to be in same direction as in LTR
    • Request
      • Now it automatically set Accept: 'application/json' header when dataType: 'json' parameter passed
    • Touch
      • Fixed issue with not-removed touch-ripple with very fast clicks or multi-touch
    • Utils
      • New utils.colorHsbToHsl(h, s, b) method to convert HSB(V) color to HSL color
      • New utils.colorHslToHsb(h, s, l) method to convert HSL color to HSB(V) color
  • Phenome
    • Panel
      • New resizable prop to enable resizable panel
    • Navbar
      • New navbar:hide/navbarHide and navbar:show/navbarShow events when navbar hidden/shown
      • New navbar:collapse/navbarCollapse and navbar:expand/navbarExpand events when navbar collapsed/expanded to large title navbar
    • Popover
      • Added backdrop prop to enable/disable backdrop
      • New closeOnEscape prop to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl prop to pass custom backdrop element
    • Popup
      • New closeOnEscape prop to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl prop to pass custom backdrop element
    • Actions
      • Added backdrop prop to enable/disable backdrop
      • New closeOnEscape prop to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl prop to pass custom backdrop element
    • Sheet
      • New closeOnEscape prop to allow to close it when ESC keyboard key pressed (disabled by default)
      • New backdropEl prop to pass custom backdrop element
      • New position prop, can be top or bottom (default) to define how to open Sheet
      • New top prop, alias for position="top"
      • New bottom prop, alias for position="bottom"
    • ListInput / Input
      • Now it accepts special type colorpicker to open color picker on focus
      • New prop colorPickerParams to specify color picker params for colorpicker type
    • SwipeoutButton
      • New confirmTitle prop to set confirm dialog title
  • Lots of minor fixes and improvements

v4.2.2 - April 4, 2019

  • Core
    • Smart Select
      • New scrollToSelectedItem parameter - when enabled it will scroll smart select content to first selected item on open (default false)
      • New .scrollToSelectedItem() smart select instance method to scroll smart select content to first selected item (when opened)
      • Now when opened in Popup, it will render Popup's close button as a plain text link on the right side in Navbar
    • Autocomplete
      • Now when opened in Popup, it will render Popup's close button as a plain text link on the right side in Navbar
    • Router
      • Fixed issue with swipe-back when used in Master-Detail layout
    • List Index
      • Fixed issue with wrong positioning when used with large navbar
  • Phenome
    • ListInput / Input
      • Now it accepts special type datepicker to open calendar on focus
      • New prop calendarParams to specify calendar params for datepicker type
    • Button
      • New type prop. If this prop is one of submit, button or reset then it will be rendered as <button> tag
  • Lots of minor fixes

v4.2.0 - March 20, 2019

  • All new Aurora theme! 🖥🎉
  • Core
    • New Appbar component
    • Button
      • New button-round-aurora, button-raised-aurora, button-fill-aurora, button-small-aurora, button-large-aurora, button-outline-aurora modifier classes for Aurora theme
    • Cards
      • Now it is possible to specify custom expandable card backdrop element with data-backdrop-el attribute on card
    • Device
      • New device.electron property which is true when app runs in Electron environment
    • List Index
      • New auroraItemHeight parameter to specify item height in Aurora theme
    • Navbar
      • New auroraCenterTitle parameter (enabled by default) to position title at the center in Aurora theme.
    • Panel
      • New app.panel.toggle(side, animate) method to toggle (open or close) specified panel
      • New panel.toggle(animate) method to toggle (open or close) current panel
      • Support for panel-toggle class on links to toggle panels
    • Picker
      • New mousewheel parameter (enabled by default) to scroll picker values with mousewheel
      • New updateValuesOnMousewheel parameter (enabled by default) to updates picker and input values during mousewheel scrolling
    • Pull To Refresh
      • Added mousewheel support with additional data-ptr-mousewheel="true" attribute on PTR content element
    • Searchbar
      • New Inline Searchbar to fit it better within other components. Can be enabled by adding searchbar-inline class to searchbar
    • Stepper
      • New stepper-round-aurora, stepper-raised-aurora, stepper-fill-aurora, stepper-small-aurora, stepper-large-aurora modifier classes for Aurora theme
    • Toolbar
      • New toolbar-top-aurora and toolbar-bottom-aurora modifier classes for Aurora theme
    • Touch
      • Not it is possible to prevent active state bubbling on nested active-state elements with additional prevent-active-state-propagation class on nested active-state element
      • Improved clicks handling with Apple Pencil
    • Typography
      • New half-value margin and padding classes: margin-half, margin-left-half, margin-right-half, margin-top-half, margin-bottom-half, margin-horizontal-half, margin-vertical-half, padding-half, padding-left-half, padding-right-half, padding-top-half, padding-bottom-half, padding-horizontal-half, padding-vertical-half
    • View / Router
      • Router component's $theme object now contains boolean aurora property which is true for Aurora theme
      • New Aurora-related parameters: auroraPageLoadDelay, auroraSwipeBack, auroraSwipeBackThreshold, auroraSwipeBackActiveArea, auroraSwipeBackAnimateShadow, auroraSwipeBackAnimateOpacity
      • Fixed VDOM rendering with SVG elements
  • Phenome
    • React and Vue's component prototype $themeobject now contains boolean aurora property which is true for Aurora theme
    • New Appbar component
    • Button
      • New Aurora related modifier props: raisedAurora, roundAurora, largeAurora, smallAurora, fillAurora, outlineAurora
    • Icon
      • New aurora prop to specify icon for Aurora theme
    • Link
      • New iconAurora prop to specify icon for Aurora theme
    • ListIndex
      • New auroraItemHeight prop to specify item height in Aurora theme
    • Navbar
      • New boolean backLinkForce prop to load and ignore previous page in history
      • New boolean backLinkShowText prop to hide or show back button text. By default disable for MD theme
    • Page
      • New ptrMousewheel prop to make PTR work with mousewheel
    • Searchbar
      • New inline boolean prop to enable inline searchbar
    • Stepper
      • New Aurora related modifier props: raisedAurora, roundAurora, largeAurora, smallAurora, fillAurora
      • New iconAurora prop to specify icon for Aurora theme
    • Toolbar
      • New topAurora and bottomAurora boolean props to set Toolbar position for Aurora theme
  • Lots of minor fixed and improvements

v4.1.1 - March 14, 2019

  • Core
    • Form
      • Fix form ajax event arguments (xhr and data) to be in e.detail
    • Panel
      • Unset breakpoint layout on panel destroy
    • Autocomplete
      • Fixed issue with autcomplete dropdown click on iOS devices
    • Router
      • Fixed wrong behavior of navbar back link with swipe back in ios theme
    • Cards
      • Fixed issue when opened expanadble cards wasn't positioned correctly in some layouts
  • Minor fixes

v4.1.0 - March 4, 2019

  • Core
    • Input
      • New "outline" input styles
    • List
      • Fixed sticky list group titles when used with large navbar
    • Cards
      • Fixed issue when opened expanadble cards wasn't positioned correctly in some layouts
    • Tooltip
      • Fixed tooltip auto init under ios theme when it is used in navbar
    • Calendar
      • Fixed issue when monthSelector and yearSelector params were ignored
  • Phenome
    • Support for new outline inputs by adding boolean outline prop to f7-list-input/ListInput component
  • Minor fixes

v4.0.6 - February 25, 2019

  • Core
    • Searchbar
      • Tweaked/fixed styles for MD-Dark theme
    • Pull To Refresh
      • Now it will be ignored on opened expandable cards
      • Now it will be ignored on elements with ptr-ignore class
    • Dialog
      • Fixed text alignment in RTL direction
    • Swiper update to latest 4.5.0:
      • Core
        • New swiper.changeDirection() method to change direction from horizontal to vertical (and back) dynamically
        • direction parameter can be used in breakpoints
      • Virtual Slides
        • swiper.virtual.appendSlide now accepts array of slides to add
        • swiper.virtual.prependSlide now accepts array of slides to prepend
        • New swiper.virtual.removeSlide(indexes) to remove virtual selected slides
        • New swiper.virtual.removeAllSlides() to remove all virtual slides
      • Navigation
        • Now it emits navigationHide and navigationShow events when on nav hide/show
      • Pagination
        • Now it emits paginationHide and paginationShow events when on pagination hide/show
  • Phenome
    • Fixed broken textarea:resize / textareaResize on Input and ListInput components
  • Minor fixes

v4.0.5 - February 14, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed d.ts reference path

v4.0.4 - February 13, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed lost messages color

v4.0.3 - February 13, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed d.ts reference path

v4.0.2 - February 13, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed issue when event handlers attached with .once may not be detached correctly later
    • Router
      • Fixed issue when routable tab with params /:param/ in path could produce new page loading instead of switching tab
    • Card
      • Add card-prevent-open class that can be added to element inside of the expandable card. Click on that element won't open expandable card.
    • Searchbar
      • Fixed Searchbar position when it is used on page with large navbar
  • Dom7 update to latest 2.1.3:
    • Fixed issue when event handlers attached with .once may not be detached correctly later
  • Phenome
    • Card
      • New cardPreventOpen prop on Link-like components to prevent expandable card open on this element click.
  • Minor fixes

v4.0.1 - February 8, 2019

  • Core
    • Fixed issue with Safari crashing on button-large rendering
    • Fixed issue with wrong active button color in bars
    • Removed not needed animation prefixes in utils

v4.0.0 - February 7, 2019 🎉🎉🎉

v3.6.6 - February 5, 2019

  • Core
    • App data and methods now available before app initialization. Useful when you delay app initialization (like on deviceready event in Cordova app) and need to access data before
    • Pull To Refresh
      • Support for ptr-watch-scroll that should be added on scollable elements inside of ptr-content, so pull to refresh won't trigger during their scrolling
    • Panel
      • Fixed issue when panel backdrop not removed for routable panel
    • Template7 update to latest 1.4.1:
      • Relaxed escape helper to escape only <>&"' characters
      • Improved variables parsing in js and js_if helpers
  • Minor fixes

v3.6.5 - January 4, 2019

  • Core
    • Router
      • Now router methods will throw error if accessed on main app router, e.g. app.router.navigate(), it was never allowed, and done to avoid further issues
  • Minor fixes

v3.6.3 - December 27, 2018

  • Core
    • Range
      • New formatLabel parameter that allows to pass function and return formatted value for range knob label
    • Tabs
      • Fixes issue when routable swipeable tabs don't emit tab:show events
    • Dialog
      • Now it is possible to specify default value for Prompt dialog by adding it as last parameter to app.dialog.prompt() method
  • Phenome
    • New routeProps prop for Link, Button, ListItem, ListButton components that allows to pass props directly to target route component. For example, <f7-link :props="{foo: 'bar'}">
    • New formatLabel prop for Range component that allows to pass function and return formatted value for range knob label
  • Lost of minor fixes

v3.6.2 - December 11, 2018

  • Core
    • View
      • Fixed wrong type for name parameter in typescript definitions
  • Phenome
    • Message - fixed wrong click handler target

v3.6.1 - December 10, 2018

  • Phenome (React / Vue)
    • Tabs - fixed issue with broken Animated/Swipeable tabs

v3.6.0 - December 7, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • New keepAlive routes. When route's page is specified with keepAlive: true, then it, instead of removing and destroying component, it will be detached from DOM and attached back when required.
      • New router.clearPreviousPages() method that removes all previous (stacked) pages from DOM
    • Accordion
      • New accordion:beforeopen event that is triggered right before accordion will be opened. event.detail.prevent contains function that will prevent it from opening if called;
      • New accordion:beforeclose event that is triggered right before accordion will be closed. event.detail.prevent contains function that will prevent it from closing if called;
  • Phenome (React / Vue)
    • AccordionItem and ListItem have new accordion:beforeopen / accordionBeforeOpen events, second argument passed to handler contains function that will prevent it from closing if called;
    • AccordionItem and ListItem have new accordion:beforeclose / accordionBeforeClose events, second argument passed to handler contains function that will prevent it from closing if called;
    • View component now accepts MD-theme related swipeback props: mdSwipeBack, mdSwipeBackAnimateShadow, mdSwipeBackAnimateOpacity, mdSwipeBackActiveArea, mdSwipeBackThreshold
    • ListItem has new virtualListIndex: Number property to specify item index when rendered inside of Virtual List
    • Searchbar has new value property to specify Searchbar input's value. Can be usefule when used with customSearch enabled
  • Lots of minor fixes and improvements

v3.5.2 - November 12, 2018

  • Core
    • List
      • Fixed issue with hairlines in last swipeout-list item
    • Panel
      • Fixed issue when routable Panel can appear without backdrop
    • Searchbar
      • New inputEvents parameter that allow to specify which input events should be tracked for search
  • Phenome
    • ListInput - add tag property to allow to change default li tag to anything else
    • Searchbar - new inputEvents prop that allow to specify which input events should be tracked for search
    • Fixed issue with router page classes
  • Minor fixes

v3.5.1 - November 2, 2018

  • Core
    • Swiper update to latest 4.4.2:
      • New touchStartForcePreventDefault parameter to force touch start event prevent default
      • Breakpoints fix when breakpoint keys are strings
      • Fixed issue when draggable scrollbar may not work on desktop Safari
      • Fixed issue with wrong sort of Virtual Slides
    • Swipeout
      • Added new swipeout:overswipeenter and swipeout:overswipeexit events fired when overswipe enabled/disabled
    • Panel
      • Fixed issue when Swipe Panel could cause kind of screen flickering on open
  • Phenome
    • Messagebar - new textareaId property to set ID attribute on its textarea
    • ListItem - new swipeoutOverswipeEnter and swipeoutOverswipeExit events
  • Minor fixes

v3.5.0 - October 26, 2018

  • Phenome
    • Fix issues with handling "stacked" pages
    • New ListInput component to be used instead of ListItem+Label+Input
  • Minor fixes

v3.4.3 - October 19, 2018

  • Phenome
    • Input - better handling of with-value and focused states
    • Messagebar - make resizePage enabled by default like in docs
  • Minor fixes

v3.4.2 - October 12, 2018

  • Core
    • Device
      • Added correct detection for webView prop when app installed to home screen
    • Accordion
      • Fixes issue when accordionOpened event fired without passing opened element as argument
    • Request
      • If contentType: 'application/json' and processData: false it will automatically send POST data as JSON
    • Picker
      • Fixed issue when double click outside of opened Picker could cause router navigating to previous page
    • Pull To Refresh
      • Now it will ignore PTR when scrolling in page's nested container
    • Panel
      • Now it respects swipeThreshold parameter when swipeNoFollow is enabled
    • Searchbar
      • New searchGroup parameter to handle custom item groups to hide on search
      • New searchGroupTitle parameter to handle custom item groups titles to hide on search
  • Phenome (React / Vue)
    • Input - better handling of with-value and focused states when used in list item
    • Searchbar - new searchGroup and searchGroupTitle props
    • Page - improved router-related page classes handling that could cause issue with navigation
  • Minor fixes

v3.4.0 - September 28, 2018

  • Core
    • Lazy modules support 🎉
      • Added support to load F7 modules during runtime with new app methods:
        • New app.loadModule(module) method to load F7 module
        • New app.loadModules([module]) method to load array of F7 modules
      • New lazyModulesPath app parameter to specify lazy modules location
      • New lazy component files in lazy-components/ package folder
      • New js/framework7-lazy.js script containing core version of Framework7
      • New css/framework7-lazy.css styles containing core version of Framework7
    • Router
      • New Route's modules parameter to load F7 modules before entering the route
    • Statusbar
      • Added new statusbar app parameters:
        • androidOverlaysWebView (by default false)
        • androidTextColor (by default black)
        • androidBackgroundColor (by default null)
      • Added new app.statusbar app methods:
        • app.statusbar.overlaysWebView(overlays)
        • app.statusbar.setTextColor(color)
  • Phenome
    • Lots of TypeScript definitions fixes and tweaks
  • Minor fixes

v3.3.2 - September 20, 2018

  • Core
    • Support for new iPhone XR / XS / XS Max
    • View
      • Now it emits view:init DOM event and viewInit app event
    • Router
      • Now it is possible to pass React/Vue component props in route options or when navigating like router.navigate('/somepage/', { props: { foo: 'bar' } })
  • Phenome
    • View Component - added support viewInit event
    • Improved TypeScript declaration for React components events
  • Minor fixes

v3.3.1 - September 14, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • TypeScript defs tweaks #2668 #2666
    • Panel
      • TypeScript defs tweaks #2667
    • Smart Select
      • Fixed issue when it could throw error on init trying to get select name attribute
  • Phenome
    • ListItem
      • Fixed issue when Smart Select could be opened twice that caused router issue on navigating back

v3.3.0 - September 14, 2018

  • Core
    • Added TypeScript definitions for whole core framework APIs (with huge help of @JasonKleban)! 🎉
    • Swiper update to latest 4.4.1:
      • Core
        • New centerInsufficientSlides parameter to center slides if the amount of slides less than slidesPerView
        • New breakpointsInverse parameter (boolean), if enabled then it will count breakpoints in reversed direction, e.g. will override parameters if window width is more than specified breakpoint
      • Virtual Slides
        • New addSlidesBefore and addSlidesAfter parameters to increase amount of pre-rendered slides
      • Thumbs
        • All new "Thumbs" module/component designed to control slider thumbnails, in more logical and correct way than with Controller module.
    • Virtual DOM Router Components
      • Added snabbdom's "style" module that allows to make fancy and smooth custom animations
    • Input
      • Now input placeholder will be visible on item with floating label when it receives focus
  • Phenome
    • Added TypeScript definitions for all React components 🎉
    • Added TypeScript definitions for F7-Vue and F7-React components extensions (e.g. this.$f7, this.$f7router, etc.) 🎉
    • List Component
      • new noChevron prop to disable "chevron" icon on all nested list items with link
      • new chevronCenter prop to set "chevron" icon in the middle of all nested media list items with link
    • ListItem Component
      • disabled prop will now set "disabled" class on list item if it is not a checkbox or radio
      • new noChevron prop to disable "chevron" icon on list item with link
      • new chevronCenter prop to set "chevron" icon in the middle of media list item with link
    • Improved Framework7 initialization routine
    • Fixed issue when f7ready callback fired before deviceready event in Cordova environment
  • Lots of fixes

v3.2.1 - August 31, 2018

  • Template7 - updated to latest 1.4.0
    • Added TypeScript Definitions
  • Dom7 - updated to latest 2.1.0
    • Added TypeScript Definitions
  • Phenome
    • Navbar - added innerClass and innerClassName (alias) props to set additional class on navbar-inner element
    • Popup - fixed issue when its animate and backdrop props became disabled by default
  • Minor fixes

v3.2.0 - August 28, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • Added support for routable Panels! Thanks to @bencompton 🎉
      • Added support to navigate to route by its name using router.navigate({ name: 'someroute' })
      • Optimized Router Component ES template parsing
      • Now it caches XHR-loaded Router Components (from componentUrl)
    • Calendar
      • New backdrop and closeByBackdropClick parameters
    • Smart Select
      • New cssClass parameter that will add additional class to Smart Select element
      • searchbar parameter now can be a full object with Searchbar parameters
      • New appendSearchbarNotFound parameter that adds additional element to Smart Select container that will be visible when there are no searchbar results
    • Popup
      • Fixed issue on backdrop click when multiple popups opened same time
    • Device
      • It now adds device-macos and device-windows html classes when relevant device is used
    • Utils - 2 new methods added:
      • app.utils.uniqueNumber() - returns unique counter number
      •, map) - returns randomly generated string by mask, e.g.'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx') will return string like d692-c811-e032-6028
  • Phenome (Vue/React)
    • View component - added new routesBeforeEnter and routesBeforeLeave properties
    • List component - now emits submit event if it is used as form
    • List Item component - fixed issue with onChange event in React
    • Actions, Popover, Sheet - added new closeByBackdropClick and closeByOutsideClick properties
    • Popup - added new closeByBackdropClick, backdrop, animate properties
  • Lots of minor fixes

v3.1.1 - August 3, 2018

  • Core
    • Virtual DOM Router Components
      • Imporved boolean attributes handling (readonly, checked, etc.)
      • Fixed issue when comment inside of template can break the rendering
      • Better auto-init components cleanup
  • Minor fixes

v3.1.0 - July 31, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • New updateCurrentUrl(url) method to update url of the currently active route (and current browser state if pushState is enabled)
      • Will emit new routeUrlUpdate event if updateCurrentUrl() was called
      • Fixed issue when going back with enabled pushState could produce double pages back in Firefox
      • Fixed issue when changing routable swipeable tabs wasn't trigger routeChanged event
      • Single-file Router Components:
        • It can now treat component template as ES template literal. Addional es attribute is required on template to enable, e.g. <template es>
        • It is now rendered with Virtual DOM (Snabbdom library) for layout auto updating 🎉
        • It has new $setState(mergeState) method to set new component state and force component to update its layout
    • Searchbar
      • Fixed issue when in some situations it didn't trigger search event when used with Virtual List
    • Calendar
      • Day "events" dots layout is reworked and now each day can have few dots (of different color) at a time
    • Input
      • Fixed wrong resizable textarea calculation in Firefox
    • Stepper
      • Has new "manual input mode". When enabled it allows to type value from keyboar and check fractional part with defined accurancy. Also, when enabled, then step parameter is ignored during typing. It has 3 new parameters:
        • manualInputMode: false - enables manual input mode
        • decimalPoint: 4 - number of digits after dot
        • buttonsEndInputMode: true - disables manual input mode on Stepper's button click
    • Swiper - updated to latest 4.3.5
      • Core
        • iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold parameter renamed to just edgeSwipeThreshold. Old iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold name is still supported
        • Improved observer performance if there are many mutations at a time.
      • Controller
        • Fixed issue with wrong auto height resizing
      • Scrollbar
        • Fixed issue when it was using active event listeners instead of passive.
    • Dom7 - updated to latest 2.0.7
      • Fixed issue with undefined elements in classList access (#13)
    • Template7 - updated to latest 1.3.8
      • Fixed issue with parsing parents in js and js_if helpers when properties contain $ character
  • Phenome
    • Stepper component has new properties:
      • manualInputMode: false - enables manual input mode
      • decimalPoint: 4 - number of digits after dot
      • buttonsEndInputMode: true - disables manual input mode on Stepper's button click
    • Fixed Messagebar send-link reference issue
  • Lots of minor fixes

v3.0.7 - July 20, 2018

  • Phenome
    • Fixed build error

v3.0.6 - July 20, 2018

  • Core
    • Fixed missing idate dependency

v3.0.5 - July 20, 2018

  • Core
    • Calendar
      • Added support for Jalali calendar, can be enabled with calendarType: 'jalali'
      • New rangePickerMinDays and rangePickerMaxDays to require min/max days when range picker enabled
    • Tooltip
      • Fixed issue when tooltip wasn't fully hidden on touch devices
    • Router
      • routeChanged event will also work for routable tabs now
  • Phenome
    • Fixed not working readonly prop in f7-input Vue component
  • Minor fixes

v3.0.1 - July 10, 2018

  • Phenome
    • Fixed TypeError error in ActionsGroup component

v3.0.0 - July 5, 2018 🎉

v3.0.0-beta.19 - July 3, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • View/Router parameter beforeLeave renamed to routesBeforeLeave
      • View/Router parameter beforeEnter renamed to routesBeforeEnter

v3.0.0-beta.18 - July 3, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • Fixed error with beforeLeave middleware when loading initial route

v3.0.0-beta.17 - July 2, 2018

  • Core
    • Router
      • preRoute middleware renamed to beforeEnter that will be executed before route load/enter.
      • Added beforeLeave route middleware that will be executed before route unload/leave.
    • Progressbar
      • Fixed positioning of progressbar inside of the Page with statusbar enabled

v3.0.0-beta.16 - July 1, 2018

  • Core
    • Searchbar - fixed issue with wrong previousQuery in search event
  • Phenome
    • ListItem has new defaultChecked prop to support React uncontrolled components
  • Minor fixes

v3.0.0-beta.15 - June 27, 2018

  • Phenome Components
    • Fixes issue when React components could be rendered wrong in production build

v3.0.0-beta.14 - June 24, 2018

  • Core
    • Elevation
      • Elevation moved to separate component
      • Added support for elevation-hover-$n class to add elevation on hover
      • Added support for elevation-pressed-$n class to add elevation on press
      • Added support for elevation-transiton class to add transition between elevation states
  • Phenome
    • Icon
      • Added support for tooltip with tooltip prop

v3.0.0-beta.12 - June 22, 2018

  • Core
    • Tooltip
      • el parameter has been renamed to targetEl
    • Accordion
      • Now it toggles aria-hidden attribute on accordion content toggle

v3.0.0-beta.11 - June 19, 2018

  • Core
    • Fix touch ripple issues that happen from time to time in Edge
    • Fix minor push state issues in Edge
    • Device util now has additional detections props: windowsPhone, windows, macos, ie, edge

v3.0.0-beta.10 - June 15, 2018

  • Core
    • All new Gauge component with responsive SVG gauges
    • Router
      • Added preRoute support (middleware) that can be configured per route or globally on View/Router init for all routes
    • Smart Select
      • New change/smartSelectChange events
    • Autocomplete
      • Fixed error with undefined value replacement
    • Tooltip
      • New setText method to dynamically change Tooltip's text/content
  • Phenome
    • Better validation logic for Input component
    • Toggle - fixed issue when toggleChange event not being fired on desktop
    • ListItemContent - fixed issue with calling setState in render function
    • Support for target prop/attribute for Link, Button, Fab, FabButton components
    • Tooltip support (with tooltip prop) for Fab and FabButton components
    • New Gauge (React) / f7-gauge (Vue) component to produce responsive SVG gauges
    • Added Smart Select for Link component with smartSelect and smartSelectParams props

v3.0.0-beta.9 - June 12, 2018

  • Core
    • All new Tooltip component
    • Template7 update to latest 1.3.6
      • Better @global parsing in js and js_if helpers
  • Phenome
    • Now f7route and f7router are passed as props for components loaded by router (Page, Routable Tabs, Routable Modals).
    • $f7route and $f7router are now also available only on components loaded by router (Page, Routable Tabs, Routable Modals) and may not be available in custom children components. For children components they must be passed done using props
    • Added tooltip support for Link and Button components

v3.0.0-beta.8 - June 11, 2018

  • Phenome
    • Transform object rest spread syntax to Object.assign in Vue/React components

v3.0.0-beta.7 - June 9, 2018

  • Core
    • Lots of MD styles updated to new Material Design specification
    • Cards
      • New outline cards style
    • Chips
      • New outline style + tweaked iOS chips styles
    • FAB
      • New FAB-Extended style with addtional text label support inside of FAB
      • Support for FAB actions label
    • Typography
      • New Elevation styles, can be configured with elevation-1, elevation-2, ..., elevation-24 classes
    • Dialog
      • Preloader dialog now supports preloader color as second argument: app.dialog.preloader(title, color)
    • Smart Select
      • Will not error anymore about required View if it is actually not required (e.g. for SS opened in Popup, Popover or Sheet)
    • Picker - fixed issues with touch/swipe areas in RTL layout
    • Calendar
      • Fixed issue when not possible to switch calendar to previous month when min date is the last date of previous month
      • Fixed issue when double click behind calendar could cause router to go to the previous page
    • Swiper - updated to latest
      • Fixed issue when slidePrev goes to wrong slide #2650
      • Fixed issue when roundLength was not considered for grids calculation #2656
  • Phenome
    • Card
      • New outline prop to make card outline
    • Chip
      • New outline prop to make card outline
    • Fab
      • New text prop to add text to FAB and make it as Extended FAB
      • New label prop for FabButton to add label for fab button
    • Simplified conditional icon props for Icon, Link and Button components: if-ios -> is, if-md -> md, icon-if-ios -> icon-ios, icon-if-md -> icon-md
    • Input
      • New error-message-force prop to force error message to show. Works in case of validate is omitted
    • Messagebar
      • New resizePage prop that will resize messages page with messagebar
      • New resizePage() method renamed to resize()

v3.0.0-beta.6 - June 5, 2018

  • Phenome
    • ListItem - fixed subtitle slot being ignored

v3.0.0-beta.5 - June 4, 2018

  • Phenome - fix issue when passing undefined child to the component

v3.0.0-beta.4 - June 4, 2018

  • Core
    • App methods (specified in methods params) are now bound to app context (initialized F7 instance)
    • Swiper - updated to latest 4.3.2
      • Core
        • Added addSlide(index, slide) method to add slide at required position. Thanks to @kochizufan
        • Fixed issue with loop #2647. Thanks to @kochizufan
      • Pagination
        • New formatFractionCurrent(number) parameter to format current number in Fraction pagination
        • New formatFractionTotal(number) parameter to format total number in Fraction pagination
  • Phenome
    • Use domProps for Vue input components
    • ListItem
      • New swipeoutOpened prop to control (open/close) swipeout item by prop

v2.3.1 - June 1, 2018

  • Searchbar
    • Fixed issue with not hiding/showing backdrop when customSearch is enabled
  • Sortable
    • New app parameter sortable.moveElements by default is true. Useful to disable when you use for DOM manipulation other library like Vue or React
  • Swiper update to latest v4.3.2:
    • Core
      • Added addSlide(index, slide) method to add slide at required position. Thanks to @kochizufan
      • Fixed issue with loop #2647. Thanks to @kochizufan
    • Pagination
      • New formatFractionCurrent(number) parameter to format current number in Fraction pagination
      • New formatFractionTotal(number) parameter to format total number in Fraction pagination
  • Minor fixes

v2.3.0 - May 27, 2018

  • View/Router
    • Fixed missing pushStateOnLoad parameter
    • Added support for routable Action Sheet
  • Searchbar
    • Fixed issue with exapandable Searchbar missplace in MD theme when used with Subnavbar
  • Input
    • New scrollIntoViewDuration app.input parameter to set duration for scrolling input into view
    • New scrollIntoViewAlways app.input parameter to scroll input into view no matter is it outside of view or not
    • app.input.scrollIntoView now has additional force argument to scroll input into view no matter is it outside of view or not: app.input.scrollIntoView(inputEl, duration, centered, force)
    • Clicking input's clear button now also triggers input event in addition to change event
  • Statusbar
    • Improved statusbar overlay detection for iOS devices
  • Autocomplete
    • New dropdownContainerEl parameter to define place where dropdown need to be inserted
    • Imporved dropdown positioning
  • Dom7 update to latest v2.0.6:
    • Fixed issue with remove event listeners when they was not added
  • Swiper update to latest v4.3.0:
    • Core
      • Fixed issue when swipeBack sometimes slides to wrong slide
      • Fixed issue when window resizing can break Coverflow effect layout
      • Fixed issue with wrong detection of iOSEdgeSwipeDetection
    • Dom7 update to latest v2.0.6:
      • Fixed issue with remove event listeners when they was not added
  • Lots of minor fixes

v2.2.5 - April 29, 2018

  • Router
    • Fixed issue with not loaded routable tabs content after swipe-back to page with these routable tabs
    • Page data will have additional swipeback: true prop when the page event was triggered by swipe back
  • Range
    • New range:changed (rangeChanged, changed) event that will be triggered on slide knob release after value change
  • Messagebar
    • Fixed textarea text color for MD-Dark theme
  • Form Storage
    • Added support for skip inputs from storing by adding no-store-data or ignore-store-data class to input element
  • Dom7 updated to latest v2.0.5
    • Support for setting array value on multiple select
    • Imporved internal events proxies logic for better memory management
  • Swiper update to latest v4.2.5
    • Core
      • Prevent apply grab cursor when swiper is locked
      • Fixed breakpoint with loop getting wrong realIndex when on init
      • Fixed "transformed" slides sizes calculation that could cause issues in with Coverflow effect
    • Autoplay
      • Fixed issue that can cause memory leak
  • Minor fixes

v2.2.1 - April 7, 2018

  • List Index
    • Improved page scroll logic when scrolling upward
  • Router
    • Fixed issue when Swipe Back may not work for views other than main
    • Fixed issue with undefined initial browser history state when pushState enabled
  • Minor fixes

v1.7.1 - March 21, 2018

  • Fix for touch events when app can be unresponsive iOS 11.3

v2.2.0 - April 1, 2018

  • List Index
    • Meet all new List Index component 🎉
  • Full iPhone X safe areas support and required tweaks for MD theme 🙌. Same as for iOS theme: automatic support for top and bottom safe areas (for portrait orientation). For landscape orientation the following classes must be added to elements:
    • ios-edges - for full-width elements (like main View)
    • ios-edge-left - for elements that stick to the left edge of the screen (like left Panel)
    • ios-edge-right - for elements that stick to the right edge of the screen (like right Panel)
  • Stepper
    • New autorepeat parameter that will repeatedly increase/decrease values while you tap and hold plus/minus buttons
    • New autorepeatDynamic parameter that will increase autorepeat ratio based on how long you hold the button
    • New wraps parameter. When enabled, incrementing beyond maximum value sets value to minimum value; likewise, decrementing below minimum value sets value to maximum value
  • Sortable
    • Fixed styling when sortable list is using with no-chevron class
  • Range Slider
    • New draggableBar parameter (defaults to true) that allows to disable value change on range bar click and drag
    • Added auto sizes recalculation on parent modals/panel/tabs open
  • Router
    • Will now replace state (if pushState enabled) on initial load when initial route has redirect
    • Fixed issue with tab:beforeremove event was not fired for routeable tabs
    • Improved restoreScrollTopOnBack logic to save and restore scrolling on active page-content element
    • Swipe Back support for MD theme with new Router parameters:
      • mdSwipeBack: false - enables swipe back for MD theme
      • mdSwipeBackAnimateShadow: true - enable/disable box-shadow animation during swipe back action
      • mdSwipeBackAnimateOpacity: false - enable/disable opacity animation during swipe back action. You can disable it to improve performance
      • mdSwipeBackActiveArea: 30 - width of invisible left edge of the screen that triggers swipe back action
      • mdSwipeBackThreshold: 0 - swipe back will start if "touch distance" will be more than this value
  • Request
    • Now if you return false in beforeOpen or beforeSend callbacks it will cancel the XHR request
  • Autocomplete
    • New inputEvents parameter (by default is input) allows to configure input events used to handle Autcomplete actions and source request
  • Smart Select
    • Fixed issue when Searchbar didn't work when Smart Select opened in page with Searchbar in iOS theme
  • Dialog
    • New app.dialog.keyboardActions parameter (enabled by default) that enables keyboard shortcuts (Enter and Esc) keys for predefined dialogs (Alert, Confirm, Prompt, Login, Password)
  • Fixed iOS 11.3 bug that can break Fast clicks and make Cordova/PhoneGap app unresponsive on app resume from background 🔥
  • Swiper updated to latest 4.2.2 version
    • Core
      • Respect and update breakpoints when calling Swiper's .update() method
    • Pagination
      • New progressbarOpposite parameter to make pagination progressbar opposite to direction parameter, means vertical progressbar for horizontal swiper direction and horizontal progressbar for vertical swiper direction
  • Lots of minor fixes

v1.7.0 - March 21, 2018

  • Full iPhoneX support and required tweaks. Automatic support for top and bottom safe areas (for portrait orientation). For landscape orientation the following classes must be added to elements:
    • ios-edges - for full-width elements (like main View)
    • ios-edge-left - for elements that stick to the left edge of the screen (like left Panel)
    • ios-edge-right - for elements that stick to the right edge of the screen (like right Panel)
  • Dom7
    • Added beforeCreate callback for .ajax method
  • Minor fixes

v2.1.3 - March 19, 2018

  • Searchbar
    • Fixed issue with position of input clear button
  • Router
    • Fixed issue with wrong component context when component passed to route

v2.1.2 - March 18, 2018

  • Stepper
    • Fixed theme-specific modifier classes, e.g. stepper-fill-ios, .stepper-round-md etc.

v2.1.1 - March 17, 2018

  • Stepper
    • Meet all new Stepper component 🎉
  • Data Table
    • Added data table footer UI for pagination
    • Added UI support for having inputs in table head
  • Input
    • Now it is possible to use fancy input elements outside of List View, by just wrapping it with <div class="input">
  • Router
    • Fixed issue when route context wasn't available in async route
    • Fixed issue when modal HTML element was duplicated in modal routes
  • Form
    • Fixed issue when enctype attribute was ignored on ajax form
  • VI (video intelligence)
    • Now serves vi api over https
  • Actions
    • Fixed issue with error when pass already rendered HTML element to the actions.create constructor
    • Fixed issue with not setting actions button bg color
    • Addedd support for closeByOutsideClick logic
  • Searchbar
    • Now hides elements (when required) by setting/unsetting classes instead of directly modifying element display property
  • Toast
    • Added destroyOnClose parameter to automatically destroy toast instance on close
    • New method to automatically create and open Toast
    • Improved iPhoneX support for bottom toast
  • List
    • New no-chevron class on list and list item link to disable chevron icon
    • New chevron-center class on media list or media list item to set chevron icon position on center
  • Swiper updated to latest 4.2.0 version
    • Core
      • swiper.updateAutoHeight(speed) now supports speed parameter to resize swiper wrapper with duration
      • Fixed issues in free mode with freeModeSticky not being able to snap to closest snap point
      • New swiper.slideToClosest() method to slide to closest snap point when it is somewhere in between
    • A11y (Accessibility)
      • It is now enabled by default (if installed)
    • Controller
      • Fixed RTL issue when vertical swiper controls horizontal one
    • Lazy
      • Fixed issue when lazy loading not always triggered on window resize
  • Improved server-side rendering by using ssr-window package
  • Lots of minor fixes

v2.0.10 - February 19, 2018

  • Router
    • New router.clearPreviousHistory() method to clear all previous pages history and remove all previous pages from DOM
    • New clearPreviousHistory option for router.navigate that will clear history after reloading/navigating to specified page
    • Fixed issue with not correctly working reloadPrevious parameter
  • Smart Select
    • Now accepts view as a parameter on initialization
  • Accordion
    • Fixed iOS rendering issue when opening accordiong enables page scroll
  • Panel
    • Swipe panel won't be opened on quick swipe if the swipe distance doesn't exceed swipeThreshold parameter
  • Range Slider
    • Fixed issue with broken events when passing event listeners in on parameter on init
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.8 - February 11, 2018

  • Swipeout
    • Fixed issue in Safari when it flashes on open
  • Router
    • Now route (currentRoute) object has additional context property if it was passed in route options
  • Range Slider
    • Now it triggers input's change event on when user releases slider
  • Sortable
    • Fixed issue when sortable list used with list groups
  • Swiper updated to latest 4.1.6:
    • Improved touch events support on desktop Windows devices with touch screen
    • Improved "loop fix" when slider is in the free mode
    • New noSwipingSelector parameter that can be used instead of noSwipingClass
    • New preventIntercationOnTransition parameter to prevent interaction during slice change transition
    • New .slideToLoop method to be used in loop mode
    • Improved IE 10 support. But it is recommended to use proto polyfill
    • Improved touch support for Edge
    • Fixed issue with slideChange events being fired when slide wasn't actually changed
    • Scrollbar
      • Now doesn't require to enable simulateTouch for desktops when it is draggable
    • Pagination
      • Added new multiple main bullets support for dynamic bullets pagination
    • Zoom
      • Now supports Virtual Slides
    • New watchOverflow (disabled by default). When enabled Swiper will be disabled and hide navigation buttons on case there are not enough slides for sliding
    • Autoplay
      • New reverseDirection to enable autoplay in reverse direction
      • New waitForTransition parameter when autoplay will wait for wrapper transition to continue (enabled by default). Can be disabled in case of using Virtual Translate when your slider may not have transition
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.7 - January 27, 2018

  • Picker
    • Fixed issue with change event not being fired
  • Panel
    • Fixed issue with closing swipe panel with swipeActiveArea parameter
  • Router
    • async route support for routable tabs
    • async route support for routable modals
  • Virtual List
    • New ul and createUl parameters. When disabled then VL can be used with any elements not expecting the list only
  • Dialog
    • New app.destroyPredefinedDialogs parameter to automatically destroy predefined dialogs like Alert, Confirm, Prompt, etc.
  • Package
    • Now ES-next modules have named export in addition to default, it exports { Template7, Dom7, Utils, Request, Device, Support }
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.6 - January 9, 2018

  • Photo Browser
    • Fixed isse with wrong navbar color when color theme applied
  • Range Slider
    • Fixed wrong knob position in RTL layout
  • Tabs
    • Fixed issue with routable tabs links in navbar not switching correctly active class
  • Request
    • New request.postJSON(url, data, success, error, dataType) method to send pure JSON data with POST
  • Router
    • Router ajax events now receives second argument with navigating options
    • New router.refreshPage() method to reload current page
    • New passRouteQueryToRequest parameter (true by default) will pass route url query to request url query (for route url, templateUrl and componentUrl options). If you have the following route { path: '/somepage/', url: 'http://myserver/page/' } and you will click link with /somepage/?foo=bar url then it will load page from http://myserver/page/?foo=bar url.
    • New passRouteParamsToRequest parameter (false by default) will pass current route parameters to request url query (for route url, templateUrl and componentUrl options). If you have the following route { path: '/user/:userId/posts/:postId/', url: 'http://myserver/userpost/' } and you will click link with /user/11/posts/12/ url then it will load page from http://myserver/userpost/?userId=11&postId=12 url.
    • It is now also possible to use router parameters delimiters in route url, templateUrl and componentUrl options that will be replaced on request. E.g. { path: '/user/:userId/posts/:postId/', url: 'http://myserver/{{userId}}/{{postId}}' }
  • Toolbar / Tabbar
    • Common app tabbar in multiple views app structure can be also hidden with "toolbar-hide-on-scroll"
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.5 - January 2, 2018

 * Lots of minor fixes

v2.0.2 - December 5, 2017

  • Router
    • Fix to make Routable tabs work on home page
  • Few CSS tweaks for iPhone X safe areas

v2.0.1 - December 4, 2017

  • Fixed iOS 11.2 iPhone X support with new CSS env safe areas

v2.0.0 - December 3, 2017 🎉

v2.0.0-beta.21 - December 3, 2017

  • Router
    • Fixed issue with multiple "destroy" hooks called when using modals/tabs as router components
  • vi
    • Added placementType ad parameter

v2.0.0-beta.20 - December 2, 2017

  • Range Slider
    • Recalculate range slider size when parent tab becomes visible
  • CSS
    • !important rule for hiding ios-only and md-only elements

v2.0.0-beta.19 - December 1, 2017

  • Fixed issue with View router initialization when it was created after app init. Fixes also issue in cordova when app initialized later within deviceready event

v2.0.0-beta.18 - November 30, 2017

  • New vi (video intelligence) component. vi is a mobile video SSP (Supply / Sell Side Platform). It provides self-serve tools for publishers to captivate and monetize audiences
  • Popover
    • Now may accept target elements coordinates with targetX, targetY parameters instead of targetEl target element itself
  • Actions
    • New forceToPopover parameter to always convert it to Popover
    • toPopover parameter renamed to convertToPopover
    • New backdrop (true/false) parameter to enable/disable Actions backdrop
  • Router
    • New currentPageEl router property that points to current page HTMLElement.
    • Improved routable tabs support for different routes but with same tab IDs
    • Improved dynamic navbar transition using CSS page transitions
  • Form Storage
    • Renamed methods:
      • -> app.form.getFormData()
      • -> app.form.removeFormData()
      • -> app.form.storeFormData()
      • app.form.toData() -> app.form.convertToData()
      • app.form.fromData() -> app.form.fillFromData()
  • CSS & Theming
    • New "Dark Colo Theme" for both "iOS" and "MD" themes. Can be added with theme-dark CSS class.
    • Full iPhoneX support and required tweaks. Automatic support for top and bottom safe areas (for portrait orientation). For landscape orientation the following classes must be added to elements:
      • ios-edges - for full-width elements (like main View)
      • ios-edge-left - for elements that stick to the left edge of the screen (like left Panel)
      • ios-edge-right - for elements that stick to the right edge of the screen (like right Panel)
    • Common disabled class to make any elements disabled
  • Swiper updated to latest 4.0.7:
    • Fixed issue with not working correctly touchReleaseOnEdges on iOS
    • Fixed issue with not working allowSlideNext/Prev change on Breakpoints
    • Fixed wrong scrollbar dragging when using custom dragSize
  • Build/Package - new files structure to improve tree-shaking as much as possible:
    • Now the framework7.esm.js and framework7.esm.bundle.js are in the root of /dist/ folder.
    • framework7.esm.js now exports only Framework7 core library with single default export
    • All additional components must be included from separate /dist/components/ folder. For example import Searchbar from 'framework7/dist/components/searchbar/searchbar.js';
    • Custom CSS build is now also possible with LESS. framework7.less is now in the root of /dist/ and contains only Framework7 core library styles. Additional components must be included from separate /dist/components/ folder. For example import "framework7/dist/components/searchbar/searchbar.less";
  • Lost of minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.17 - November 14, 2017

  • Preloader
    • Fixed preloader backdrop styles to cover the screen behind it
  • Router
    • Cancels swipe back page in case of swipe left
  • Input
    • Added scrollIntoViewOnFocus parameter, that is by default enabled for Android
    • Added scrollIntoViewCentered paramter to scroll input into center of view
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.16 - November 8, 2017

  • Swiper updated to latest version
    • Fixed issue with not working noSwiping parameter
    • Parallax now considers slidesPerGroup parameter
    • Zoom: imporved gestures handling
    • Pagination: fixed issues with wrong positioned dynamic-bullets when there are not enough slides
    • Fixed issues with some effects being broken with enabled breakpoints
  • Panels
    • Fixed issue with wrong styles when panels become visible by breakpoints
  • PhotoBrowser
    • Improved zoom behavior on Androids (due to Swiper update)
  • Router
    • Added routes alias support
      routes = [
          path: '/foo/',
          url: 'somepage.html',
          alias: '/bar/',
    • Added routes redirect support
      routes = [
          path: '/foo/',
          url: 'somepage.html',
          path: '/bar/',
          redirect: '/foo/',
  • Build
    • Along with config file path now it is also possible to specify build output path like npm run build:prod -- --config path/to/config.js --output path/to/build
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.15 - October 27, 2017

  • Fixed issue with extented context in router components

v2.0.0-beta.14 - October 26, 2017

  • Fix router page events issue when no route passed to page callback

v2.0.0-beta.12 - October 26, 2017

  • Router
    • Added path-to-regexp for better route matching with support of RegExp in route path
    • Route name renamed to pageName parameter to specify page's name to load. Route name now means name of the route
    • Added additional routes arguments to async method. Now it is async(routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject)
    • pushState now supports for multiple Views at a time
    • Router component's context now can be extended with options.context route parameter
    • Router component now supports inline nested <template> that won't be parsed by Template7
    • Addded support for dynamic routes
    • Route events, now it is possible to specify on object with page events on route object
  • PhotoBrowser
    • Now uses Virtual Slides by default
  • Input
    • Now automatically scrolls into view on Androids when keyboard becomes opened
  • Colors
    • Number of built-in colors reduced to red, green, blue, pink, yellow, orange, white, black, gray
  • Build
    • Now it is possible to specify path to config file like npm run build:dev -- --config path/to/config.js
  • Lost of minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.11 - October 13, 2017

  • Messagebar
    • Added top parameter to consider it as top messagebar
    • Added resizePage parameter to define whether it should resize the page
    • Added maxHeight parameter to specify messagebar max-height on resize
  • Minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.10 - October 11, 2017

  • Swiper update to latest 4.0.1:
    • Fixed issue with pagination being broken with loop mode
    • Reworked realIndex calculation ordering
  • Router
    • Now it creates dynamically navbar (for isDynamicNavbar) only when the page with navbar appears
  • Statusbar
    • Fixed broken method
  • Package
    • Now it exports by default modular framework7.esm.js version instead of bundle

v2.0.0-beta.9 - October 8, 2017

  • New Picker component
  • New Calendar component
  • New Custom Modal component
  • Router
    • Added support for swipeable routable tabs
  • Swiper
    • Update to latest version with Virtual Slides support
  • ES-next modules renamed
    • framework7.module.js -> framework7.esm.bundle.js (exported by default)
    • framework7.modular.js -> framework7.esm.js
  • Numerous fixes and improvements

v2.0.0-beta.8 - September 21, 2017

  • Toolbar
    • Class toolbar-bottom to display it on the bottom for MD theme has been renamed to toolbar-bottom-md.
  • Sortable
    • Renamed events sortable:open -> sortable:enable, sortable:close -> sortable:disable.
  • Grid
    • no-gutter class renamed to no-gap.
  • Card
    • card-content-inner element has been removed. Now to have the same effect it is required additional card-content-padding class to card-content element.
  • Modal is now a part of a core components.
  • Toast
    • Added icon support for center-positioned Toast.
  • Router
    • Reloaded page (called with reloadAll or reloadCurrent parameters) now also fires pageBeforeIn and pageAfterIn events.
    • Improved routable Tabs. Now it also works with Animated Tabs.
  • Notification
    • All new Notification component arrived, with better unified look and swipe-to-close support.
  • Buttons
    • small buttons now can be round and not round.
  • Lots of minor fixes.

v2.0.0-beta.7 - September 13, 2017

  • Fixed issue with Routable Tabs not working correctly on home page
  • Fixed issue with touch ripple effect being broken after bundler optimization

v2.0.0-beta.6 - September 13, 2017

  • Template7 updated to latest v1.3.0

v2.0.0-beta.5 - September 13, 2017

  • Small core refactorings to work better in tree-shaking bundlers

v2.0.0-beta.4 - September 11, 2017

  • Added full RTL layout support (with new .rtl stylesheets).
  • Removed XHR (Ajax) functionality from Dom7, including $.ajax, $.get, $.post, $.getJSON. These are replaced with new Framework7 request module.
  • Removed $. utilities from Dom7, including $.parseUrlQuery, $.isArray, $.each, $.unique, $.serializeObject, $.dataset, $.extend, they are available via Framework7.utils or app.utils.
  • Utils' .promise now returns native Promise if it is supported by browser and fallback to Promise-like polifyl if it is not supported.

v2.0.0-beta.3 - September 7, 2017

  • Add new Autocomplete component
  • Add new Toast component
  • New modular package framework7.modular.js
  • New view restoreScrollTopOnBack parameter to restor previous page scroll position when navigating back
  • Lots of minor fixes and improvements

v2.0.0-beta.2 - September 2, 2017

  • Add new Swiper component
  • Add new Photo Browser component
  • Ported Notifications component
  • Improved custom build
  • Lots of minor fixes

v2.0.0-beta.1 - August 21, 2017

  • Initial v2 release