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Development Guide

In one terminal, start the first node by running:

cargo run --release -- --node 4135 --rpc 3035 --miner aleo1d5hg2z3ma00382pngntdp68e74zv54jdxy249qhaujhks9c72yrs33ddah

After the first node starts, in a second terminal, run:

cargo run --release

Usage Guide

Connecting to Aleo Testnet II

To start a client node, run:


To start a mining node, run:

snarkos --miner {ALEO_ADDRESS}

To run a node with custom settings, refer to the full list of options and flags available in the CLI.

Command Line Interface

Full list of CLI flags and options can be viewed with snarkos --help:

The Aleo Team <>

    snarkos [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --display    If the flag is set, the node will render a read-only display
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --miner <miner>              Specify this as a mining node, with the given miner address
    -n, --network <network>          Specify the network of this node [default: 2]
        --node <node>                Specify the port for the node server
        --rpc <rpc>                  Specify the port for the RPC server
        --username <rpc-username>    Specify the username for the RPC server [default: root]
        --password <rpc-password>    Specify the password for the RPC server [default: pass]
        --verbosity <verbosity>      Specify the verbosity of the node [options: 0, 1, 2, 3] [default: 3]

    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    update    Updates snarkOS to the latest version