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AprilTag ROS2 Node

This ROS2 node uses the AprilTag library to detect AprilTags in images and publish their pose, id and additional metadata.

For more information on AprilTag, the paper and the reference implementation:



The node subscribes via a image_transport::CameraSubscriber to rectified images on /apriltag/image_rect. The set of topic names depends on the type of image transport (parameter image_transport) selected (raw or compressed):

  • /apriltag/image_rect (raw, type: sensor_msgs/Image)
  • /apriltag/image_rect/compressed (compressed, type: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)
  • /apriltag/camera_info (type: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)


  • /tf (type: tf2_msgs/TFMessage)
  • /apriltag/detections (type: apriltag_msgs/AprilTagDetectionArray)

The camera intrinsics P in CameraInfo are used to compute the marker tag pose T from the homography H. The image and the camera intrinsics need to have the same timestamp.

The tag poses are published on the standard TF topic /tf with the header set to the image header and child_frame_id set to either tag<family>:<id> (e.g. "tag36h11:0") or the frame name selected via configuration file. Additional information about detected tags is published as AprilTagDetectionArray message, which contains the original homography matrix, the hamming distance and the decision_margin of the detection.


The node is configured via a yaml configurations file. For the complete ROS yaml parameter file syntax, see:

The file has the format:

apriltag:                   # node name
    # required
    image_transport: raw    # image format: "raw" or "compressed" (default: raw)
    family: <tag family>    # tag family name: 16h5, 25h9, 36h11 (default: 36h11)
    size: <tag edge size>   # tag edge size in meter (default: 2.0)
    z_up: true              # rotate about x-axis to have Z pointing upwards (default: false)

    # (optional) tuning of detection
    max_hamming: 0          # maximum allowed hamming distance (corrected bits)
    decimate: 1.0           # decimate resolution for quad detection
    blur: 0.0               # sigma of Gaussian blur for quad detection
    refine-edges: 1         # snap to strong gradients
    threads: 1              # number of threads
    debug: 0                # write additional debugging images to current working directory

    # (optional) list of tags
    tag_ids: [<id1>, <id2>, ...]            # tag IDs for which to publish transform
    tag_frames: [<frame1>, <frame2>, ...]   # optional frame names
    tag_sizes: [<size1>, <size1>, ...]      # optional tag-specific edge size

The parameters family and size are required. family (string) defines the tag family for the detector and must be one of 16h5, 25h9, 36h11, Circle21h7, Circle49h12, Custom48h12, Standard41h12, Standard52h13. size (float) is the tag edge size in meters, assuming square markers.

Instead of publishing all tag poses, the list tag_ids can be used to only publish selected tag IDs. Each tag can have an associated child frame name in tag_frames and a tag specific size in tag_sizes. These lists must either have the same length as tag_ids or may be empty. In this case, a default frame name of the form tag<family>:<id> and the default tag edge size size will be used.

The remaining parameters are set to the their default values from the library. See apriltag.h for a more detailed description of their function.

See tags_16h5_all.yaml for an example configuration that publishes all markers in the 16h5 family and tags_16h5_filtered.yaml for filtering tags.


Standalone Executable

The apriltag_node executable can be launched with topic remappings and a configuration file:

ros2 run apriltag_ros apriltag_node --ros-args \
    -r /apriltag/image_rect:=/camera/image \
    -r /apriltag/camera_info:=/camera/camera_info \
    --params-file `ros2 pkg prefix apriltag_ros`/share/apriltag_ros/cfg/tags_36h11_all.yaml

Composable Node

For more efficient intraprocess communication, a composable node is provided:

$ ros2 component types

This AprilTagNode component can be loaded with other nodes into a "container node" process where they used shared-memory communication to prevent unnecessary data copies. The example launch file loads the AprilTagNode together with the usb_cam::UsbCamNode component from the usb_cam package (sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-usb-cam) into one container and enables use_intra_process_comms for both:

ros2 launch apriltag_ros


ROS2 node for AprilTag detection







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  • C++ 79.9%
  • CMake 20.1%